
Monday, August 19, 2024




Time to read:  20 minutes.


The 1870s, early evolutionary biologists, including Thomas Henry Huxley, assumed life was simple and easy to understand. They believed life was made of protoplasm, a substance that could be produced by a few simple chemical reactions. However, our understanding of the simple cell has advanced massively since then. Now, we know that inside living cells, there is an information storage, transmission, and processing system, which is part of an automated system for building proteins and protein machines. These nano machines, as described by Dr. James Tour are “child's play”, with massive chemical recipes involved multiple steps and manipulations to build the much simpler proteins. This highlights the importance of understanding the reality of the situation and not being deceived by false premises. In this article, summarized from a video, the reality of the situation is laid on the table, and readers are encouraged to make a determination for themselves. The question behind the origin of life is the deeper question (Deep Mind) of what we are trying to explain; that is:  the origin of DNA, the first cause of information in DNA, and the genetics of the universe … one which a rapidly growing number of scientists

agree (or hope) is a simulation.  Our article discusses a recent interview of scientists Dr. James Tour and Steven C. Meyer, which is fundamental to the Simulation Hypothesis and:  where did and now does the information directing DNA come from?  We also address in detail the monumental  40 years of related research by Russian physicist Dr. Peter Gariaev and colleagues (Gariaev Group).  A number of seemingly intricate First Principles have been simplified for practical understanding and use in Changing the Thoughts about concepts if great significance.🌀

KEYWORDS:  abiogenesis, simulation hypothesis, quantum information matrix (QIM), linguistic wave genetics (LWG), geno-wave, locality, non-locality, DNA phantom, bio-linguistics, transposition, resonance, DNA-logical devices, homonymy, fractal semiotic structure, wave holographic structure, wave genetic code, quantum laser, spinor field,

epigenetics, first cause, intelligent design, DNA biocomputer, wave gene transmissions, wave-linguistics, DNA-solitons, error catastrophe, quantum entanglement, superposition, information theory, first principles

STRUCTURE OF THIS ARTICLE:  As with articles previously published as a post at Change the Thoughts, in this one we open with a number of well-known scientists who have published numerous books on the topic of our post’s title.  Relevant links have been provided where indicated.  Numerous videos exist on YouTube with interviews and presentations by both Dr. James Tour (the Tour Group) and Dr. Stephen C. Meyer.  It is hyperbolic to state that our post topic is not controversial and being debated on various platforms.  And our topic is fundamental to the simulation hypothesis as we question:  where does the information come from in DNA?  That is not a trivial question in 2024. 


LARGER THAN THE “ENTIRE INTERNET” OF DATA.  Other scientists have provided more granular detail:  “DNA/RNA stores vast amounts of data. It has been determined that some DNA is capable of holding as much as 1 billion terabytes of data calculated at about 8 bytes coded in 4 DNA base pairs or 1exabyte per mm3 (109 GigB/mm3). There are over 3 billion base pairs in our DNA set of chromosomes, so if that is multiplied by the 4 nucleobases, one has over 12 billion possibilities and there may be as many as 1022  “potential” information codes that are present waiting to be released when angular momentum can be incorporated as a factor for storage.”

“Those who think scientists understand the issues of prebiotic chemistry are wholly misinformed. Nobody understands them. Maybe one day we will. But that day is far from today. It would be far more helpful (and hopeful) to expose students to the massive gaps in our understanding. They may find a firmer—and possibly a radically different—scientific theory. The basis upon which we as scientists are relying is so shaky that we must openly state the situation for what it is: it is a mystery.” Dr. James Tour (The Tour Group).

“… Unless selection (natural selection) can somehow stop the erosion of the human genome, mutations will not only lead to our personal death, they will lead to the death of our species. … The extinction of the human genome appears to be just as certain and deterministic as the extinction of stars, the death of organisms, and the heat death of the universe.” Dr. John Stanford, Genetic Entropy, and the Mystery of the Genome”. (2009) 27, 83  

“… In the 1950s, geneticist were growing increasingly concerned about the accumulation of deliterious mutations in the human gene pool, which they estimated to be occurring at a rate of approximately 0.1 to 0.3 nucleotide mutations per person per generation. Among these men, geneticist Herman Mueller projected that just one delirious mutation per person per generation would lead inevitably to a critical mass scenario called error catastrophe, which is a technical way of saying extinction by genetic mutation.  According to the CDC, half of all adults in the United States, have at least one chronic disease, such as heart, disease, diabetes, or cancer, and many of our elderly, now suffer from a condition of multi morbidity,  which is the concurrence of two or more chronic diseases. Nearly 70% of Americans are on at least one prescription drug, and more than half take two. There are now over 6000 human, genetic disorders, many of which are fatal or severely debilitating, and the number is growing every day.   Michael Lynch, “Rate Molecular Spectrum, and Consequences of Spontaneous in Man”, PNAS, 20009, 961-968.  

“ … From ancient times, observers had noticed organized structures in living organisms that gave the appearance of having been designed for a purpose — the elegant form and protective covering of the coiled nautilus, the interdependent parts of the eye, the interlocking bones, muscles and feathers of a bird wing. …” Dr. Steven C. Meyer

“The origin of life (often encompassing the terms prebiotic chemistry or (abiogenesis) article that I cite above is long and I need not repeat it. But even in that article, I never addressed the issue of information. The information or coding within the DNA (or RNA) that corresponds to the sequence of the nucleic acids is primary to the entire discussion of life. Some would rightly argue that the information is even more fundamental than the matter upon which it is encoded. I merely showed that the requisite molecules (lipids, proteins, nucleic acids and carbohydrates) are so unlikely to have occurred in the states and quantities needed, that we could never have gotten to the point of figuring out the genesis of the requisite code or information. The code is analogous to the difference between the Library of Congress and a big box of alphabetic letters— the library has a huge amount of embedded information while the random box of letters has little. So origin of first life is the ‘nail holding the coffin closed’ on the emergence of biological evolution. Without that first life, or simple cell, which requires the four molecule types plus information, all proposals regarding biological evolution are without the base of life. And it is difficult to discuss biology without life.“ Dr. James Tour (The Tour Group).



LARGER THAN THE “ENTIRE INTERNET” OF DATA | Dr. James Tour and Dr. Steven C. Meyer interviewed by the Hoover Institute to discuss recent DNA research, and its implications.  Where did and does the information come from?  When?

Dr. James Tour:

Excellent articles:

Dr. Steven C. Meyer:

Signature in the Cell” article about book with same title:

TRANSCRIPT BEGINS (marginally edited for clarity with graphics added):

“In the 1870s, early evolutionary biologists, including Thomas Henry Huxley, assumed that life was simple and easy to understand. 

They believed that life was made of protoplasm, a substance that could be produced by a few simple chemical reactions. However, our understanding of the simple cell has advanced massively since then. Our knowledge of what the simple cell is actually composed of has advanced massively since then. 

Now, we know that inside living cells, there is an information storage, transmission, and processing system, which is part of an automated system for building proteins and protein machines. These nano machines, as described by James (Tour), are child's play, with massive chemical recipes involved multiple steps and manipulations to build the much simpler proteins. This highlights the importance of understanding the reality of the situation and not being deceived by false premises.

Maybe you have pictures in your mind that suggest that you can get that out of primordial soup.



Throughout this article, we will walk together deeper and deeper into the story of Plato’s Cave. It is an ancient story with a modern application to the last 100 years or so in the field of pure physics and its scientists. A refreshed understanding of  that story and it’s modern applications is important before we walk any further.  The following video is recommended as a foundation for readers continuing.

They just weren't that worried about the problem in the 1870s because they had a false idea of how simple life was.

They thought a couple reactions and 

they’d figured it out but now … you have got to figure out now:  how do you get that (DNA) out of the primordial soup?

Why hasn't the whole scientific establishment said stop presses? 

We have a problem isn't that still the argument? … that if you give it enough time somehow or other … 

It’s an immensely complex procedure but if you give it enough time … enough shocks of lightning … maybe we can't do it in a lab. But the real lab had billions of years at it. 

What about the element of time? 

Time is your enemy … and time is your enemy … listen!

MEYER:  I did my PhD on origin of Life biology.

One of my Cambridge supervisors who also worked on the history of that field had a well-known quotation she said:  that behind the question of the origin of life is a deeper question.

And that is the question of:  what are we trying to explain the origin of? 


[COMMENT AND ANNOTATION:  We discussed in greater detail below, that time and space are a construct we experience, but new discoveries of scientists are revealing or opening a very different perception. This video lays out a framework for readers to consider what is dealt with below]:

And in 1859 and in the 1860s, 1870s, the scientists … early evolutionary biologists assumed that question was going to be pretty simple and easy to to understand.

Thomas Henry they assume that.  Why they assumed it?  Because they thought life was very simple.

Thomas Henry Huxley who was Darwin's famous Bulldog said: that the cell was a simple homogeneous globule of undifferentiated protoplasm.

They thought that life was essentially a kind of chemical that was made of an an essential substance called protoplasm; which was a kind of jello or goo that could be produced by a few simple chemical reactions. 

Our knowledge of what the simple cell is actually composed of as Jim has just said has advanced massively since then.

Huxley had no idea. Darwin had no idea  what we would discover and now we know … that inside living cells we have at the very least … an information storage transmission and processing system; which is part of a whole automated system for building proteins and protein machines. 

These nano machines, that Jim makes, as you correctly point out are as he puts it “Child's Play”. 

He has these massive chemical recipes that are involved … multiple steps … interventions and manipulations … to build the much simpler miniature machines he can build. 

They’re much simpler than the ones that are that are found inside cells.  So the problem has; as he puts it, it's receded off into the distance because the our knowledge of the complexity of life has meant that it's much much harder to envision how that might have arisen by a series of undirected chemical processes.

INTERVIEWER:  Reading your work Steven, if I understand it correctly … there's a big moment; and the big, funnily enough … the big moment happens at about the same time as the Miller Urey experiments. 

That big moment is Watson and Crick in 1953 and you get the double helix. 

They understand the structure of DNA and suddenly they can see how complicated DNA is.

Every living cell.  First of all, I want to make sure I get this right … every living living cell contains DNA.  Is this correct? DNA RNA proteins? So a few quotations that you present in your book “Signature in the Cell”.

Bill Gates: ‘DNA is like a computer program.’

Biotechnologist Louie Hood:  ‘DNA represents quote digital code’.

Richard Dawkins himself:  ‘The machine code of the genes is uncannily computer like’ close quote. 

So doesn't this pose just a gigantic new problem again.

Stephen J Gould: “Whatever they want to argue about Evolution we are concerned with this first box and it's still empty and the first box is the first life”. 

We’re talking about the more primary problem of the origin of life itself and the fact that if there is information that dictates what happens inside of the most basic cell inside of the DNA that raises the question where did that information come from.

Where did the instruction manual come from itself they will get into this in a second let's let's do it and not only is it empty but Tour comes along and says oh!

You have no idea the simplest forms of life require such complex chemistry and then comes along and says well wait a minute fellas what about Watson and Crick?

INTERVIEWER:  Every cell contains DNA and you're not going to create a three billion item long strands of DNA with hitting it with ammonia and with lightning … no matter how many times you do the experiment. 

Is that that correct?  This empty box is now a source of awe really. 

Exactly, if we go back to the the Miller  Urey experiment there's two big classes of problems.  [See “Timeout” by Dr. James Tour (2019).]

One is that they they synthesize the amino acids used using alleged Prebiotic gases. They synthesize it based on gases in that those flasks that don't simulate the actual atmosphere on the early Earth.

But secondly the amino acids that they produced were a mixture, and there was a mixture of all kinds of other things that had to be eliminated for those amino acids to hook up in a way that would be life-friendly

But they also didn't explain how they would hook up and how they would hook up in the precise sequence to actually form proteins.

So it's like getting the difference between letters and words that mean something.  (Say) you  have a bag of Scrabble letters and you dump them on the table. That does not give you a triple word score in the game. 

Ok.  But the Watson and Crick discovery is is seminal.  It’s the beginning of a whole series of discoveries in what historians of biology now call the molecular biological revolution. 

In 1953 Watson and Crick elucidate the double helical structure of the DNA molecule.

But then 5 years later Francis Crick, who was a code breaker in World War II, realizes that the subunits along the spine of the DNA molecule are functioning like alphabetic characters in the written text.

Or like the digital characters in a in a section of software.”


For clarity, we segue for a brief moment and then we will return to the interview of Drs. James Tour and Steven C. Meyer.  It is immediately relevant to both the interview and to greatly expanding the claims made by Tour and Meyer.


For the past 30 years, I have closely followed the work of physicist Dr. Peter Gariaev and colleagues (Gariaev Group) and Nobel laureate Dr. Luc Montagnier.  Their work has been published and released to the public as PDFs across many journals; as well as collected and compiled in many volumes by the editors of the “DNA Decypher Journal”. A brief summary of a small number of publications by Drs. Gariaev and Montagnier appeared in the following short article:  “Exploring the Principles of Linguistic Wave Genetics” by Peter Gariaev, Ph.D., J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D., and D.E. Hurtak, Ph.D. Copyright © 2019 J.J. Hurtak, Desiree Hurtak and Peter Gariaev.  The following excerpts are germane to this article, and to the scientific debates on the topics under our discussion.  Speaking to the points raised by Drs. Tour and Meyer, neither Darwin, nor the teams of Watson Crick nor Miller Urey had any idea of any of the following when they published their findings.  Should that seem surprising to readers, please refer back to the keywords listed at the beginning of this article, and then compare them to genetics textbooks of the 50s well through the present time to compare the keyword to information contained in those textbooks.  Most of those keywords, even today will not be present. Yet this has been a major focus of science, particularly in Russia since the 1970s. This is particularly true with respect to the question:  where did and does the information instructing DNA come from; that is for each human individual?  See:  P.p. Gariaev "Wave Genetic Code", Publisher "IZDATTSENTR» 1997. ISBN 5-7816-0022-1.

“… The study of Linguistic-Wave Genetics (LWG) originated with the work of Gariaev (1997) and his team (2009), and coincides with Drs. Hurtaks’ understanding of how our human body functions like a sophisticated bio-computer.

 In recent years, there have been numerous adherents long time expressed the thought and vision of the famous Russian biologist A.G.Gurvicha about, that hope for genes to explain the real functions of the chromosomes is unreasonably high and it is therefore necessary to introduce the concept of biological field, i.e. "the equivalent of a chromosome" as giving a new understanding of the function of the genetic apparatus – the same, What is now known as èpigenetikoj”. Genetic Code Model”

NOTE TO READERS:  The following has many technical terms which do not translate from Russian into the English language. Many of the words were, upon observation by the Russian scientists conducting experiments, totally “made up” and do not find their way, as yet, into equivalent English vernacular. With several readings and resort made to the links of each full article, readers of this article will become familiar over time with the language used, and the concepts described. It is self-evident that none of this “depth of the understanding” of DNA information was known to Charles Darwin,nor the teams of Watson Crick, and Miller Urey.  It is also self-evident, these concepts are also not known to many physicists in 2024, nor to the general public. 

“…. The practical orientation of the present study:  the theoretical and experimental justification of convolution, transposition and resonance of supergenetičeskoj information from biodonora to bioakceptoru; It passed èpigenosignaly may exist as acousto-electromagnetic solitons in the phenomenon of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam and semantic character ranges of the genetic structures, also realized in the form of a soliton excitations; the theoretical and experimental justification of the unity of the fractal structure of human speech and text structures of genetic molecules of DNA and RNA; This provision became the basis for the development of methodology for introduction of a regulatory framework of initial quasi-verbal structures in the form of modulated electromagnetic solitons in the genome of plants; the theoretical-experimental substantiation of possibility of creation of artificial DNA-logical devices (biokomp′ûterov) using wave (holographic and other) principles of memory, comparable on the mechanisms and possibilities of genetic; in the creation of soft regulatory occurrence in previously unknown areas of the genome of higher semiotic biosystem for treatment, create hybrids, extend the life of the people, formation of the human body as harmonious and sustainable structure to adverse factors. …

In terms of Linguistics, this phenomenon is called Homonymy. When the same words have different meanings (for example, Russian words "onion", "spit" or English "box", the "ring", etc.). On the other hand, redundant different codons, denoting the same amino acids, has long been considered as synonymous. On homonymy of the genetic code statements in the literature, we do not know. In this way, dubletno-tripletnye if you count the codons "words", the code itself is, among other things, two-dimensional, the omonimo-synonymous. … 

Such a course of reasoning well corresponds to the ideas of V.v. Nalimov's, considers all life part of the Semantic Universe [49]. A person, in line with this logic, There is a variety of texts, grammar and semantics which we want to embrace a single, probabilistic based view. V.v. Nalimov believes, that person is the samočitaemym text — text, capable of samoizmenât′ yourself. Reducing the scale of the human as a self-organizing system and given the fraktal′nost′ (rolling sometimes in golografičnost′) the chromosome continuum, You can take it, the reverse displays a person's place in its own genome, as with any organism in its display of the chromosome, izomorfnyj is a text-like character [25,I started ingestion of 20 ml of ZhKIM. It was at ]. The proposed method of reasoning is designed to show the logical technique out of the limitations of initial models of the genetic code, They stopped in the phase of weak understanding of the rules of spelling, "" protein "words" from the amino acid ' letters '.  If, however, consider the idea of fractal dimensions of meaning (text) Genome structures and take their divine origin, the stress, that this idea goes back to the 6th century. and Dionysius of Areopagitom in his work "on the divine names"[2]. He said, the seal of Divinity (read the words) rests with each of us, and "...reprints of the press have a lot in common with your original: the original print is present in all of the, and none of them is only a part ". Print frequency is determined by the properties of the recipient of the material-specific identity, i.e. potentially in each read all, going over, but to hear, see and understand this is all entirely no one. The failure of the early concept of the genetic code to be consistent, It seemed, to encourage the search for new ideas. Instead, preference was given to analysis of the accuracy of protein synthesis, but without the main motive of this precision is odnoznačnostej choice of encoding mechanisms of doublet-homonyms. Here is a sample of these, This aspect of useless, Description and reasoning, but we need to illustrate the main assessment in psevdologiki genokode [20]: » … the accuracy of protein synthesis depends on the strength of two adaptornyh mechanisms: by associating each amino acid and tRNA molecule with the mating of the codons in mRNA with antikodonami tRNA.  … 

Taking this, We leave on the figurative, the coding structure of the sign of the body's DNA sequences, i.e. they, the sequence of nucleotides, are something of a sounding and visible texts, but not in a metaphorical sense-styles, and indeed the unknown until the languages of divine origin in difficult-rhythmic (musical-like?) wave arrangement.  But whether the chromosome to radiate light and sound? The experiments give clearly positive response. Acoustic field of chromosomes, generated as living cells and their nuclei, and selected chromosome preparations of DNA, It is difficult to place, can acquire the structure of solitons, and most importantly, capable of distant broadcast Geno-wave information [1,8,25,26-29].

Genetic molecules dualističny — as a substance, They also work as sources of iconic fields. The Chromosome, as an iconic figure any Biosystems, split on multi-dimensional fractal semiotic structure of substances and fields, coded by Divine Providence. Note, the beginnings of these ideas and experiments did not arise in a vacuum (Read more about it at [25] ).
The first were, as mentioned, Gurvich, Lûbiŝev and Beklemishev (20s - 40s), then, in a few decades,, in Novosibirsk, A.n. Mosolov (1980g.), and then, a team of scientists from the Institute of General Physics of the ACADEMY of (1984.) using light microscopy and laser found in cell nuclei (chromosomes) some neurons vibrating (sounding) spherical education. A.n. Mosolovym assumed, they are sources of information and the power of genetic, and more precisely, embryonic fields in the spirit of ideas of A.g. Gurvich, but with a substantial amendment: in the first place, It's not photon field, Secondly, found sound radiation, on's, have holographic backgrounds[4]. It was the first clearly formulated the hypothesis of symbol-bearing (shaped) wave holographic structures higher Biosystems genome. This hypothesis we have developed on the basis of own research. … “Wave Genetic Code”.

Linguistic wave genetics (LWG) is a new branch of biology, medicine, physics and bio-computing. The concept was first developed and researched in early XX century by AG Gurvich. (LWG ) had opposed conventional (classic) genetics and molecular biology based on a principal called “locality” - locally spread and transmitted genetic information. According to (LWG) a genetic information acts not only “locally” but also at a distance. Our genome is able to generate, transmit and receive information waves generated by our cells at quantum genetic level. The information is coded in a form of “quantum holograms” or “phantoms”. The (LWG ) concept considers genetic apparatus (genome) as a bio-computer capable of making decisions, managing and programming bio-systems. We have named the whole information exchange process a “bio-linguistics”. According to our research (LWG) is based on quantum non-locality, quantum laser physics and bio-linguistics. (LWG) technology is used for generating multiple information carrying programs called quantum information matrices (QIM). The process and technique has been formulated on perfected over the years by Prof. Peter Gariaev. (QIM) allows for distant programming liquids with desired bio-medical information. Any liquid treated/programmed with (QIM) we call quantum information matrix programmed liquid (QIMPL).  Creating and programming of quantum information matrices (QIM) is done by secondary laser radiation. 

We call it “quantum laser” programming. It is done by a laser capaple of generating torsion “spinor” field modulated by natural biologically active substances. Generated (QIM) are used for creating bio-active liquids (QIMPL) that are used in medical treatments. Over the years we have successfully used our (QIMPL) in treating medical conditions not responding to traditional conventional treatment modalities.

We present two cases where our (QIMPL) treatment prevented limb amputation.

Practical Application of Linguistic Wave Genetics (LWG) Principle in creating Quantum Information Matrices (QIM) used for Programming Plain Liquids into Medically Active Liquids, called Quantum Information Matrix Programmed Liquids (QIMPL). Gariaev PP*, Poltavtseva RA, Leonova-Gariaeva EA and Voloshin LL, Aleksy Dobradin,MD, Academician, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and Academy of Medical/Technical Sciences, Russia


Here, we are suggesting that there is a semantic and communication process behind our DNA that links linguistics and biology with quantum physics. Our approach is based on an expanded understanding of the model triplet code as a linguistic structure, as well as on the introduction of genetics and molecular biological concepts connected with bio-holography and quantum physics.

According to the Watson-Crick genetic model (1953), the sequence of genes in our DNA creates specific amino acids. The amino acids, then, construct the arrangement of proteins and cells in our body. Through a code of 64 combinations of nucleobases (AUCG), they are arranged as triplet codons, the code that creates the 20 amino acids in our biological system. Gariaev, however, explores this circumstance through what he calls “codon homonyms,” positing that the specification of amino acids created is based not only on the triple codon letters (e.g., AUC), but on a higher wave frequency, which is connected not only with electromagnetic frequencies, but also with consciousness and thought.

Dr. Bruce Lipton (2005) also points to the effect consciousness has on our cells through our inherited epigenetic structure, which, too, is associated with DNA. Epigenetics is known to be affected by diet, but also consciousness thought, especially stress and fear. Epigenetics can be defined, in part, as controlling the function of turning gene sequences “on” and “off” which is a key coding mechanism of DNA, mainly operating by a methyl (CH3) group functioning around the DNA. Lipton has shown that our cells act like organic computer chips continually influenced by their environment.

In 1973, Dr. J.J. Hurtak (1973) also asserted that our genetic process is influenced by our thoughts and the thoughts that surround us as a “bio-consciousness” field. Thus, emerges a new understanding of our genetics, which can be influenced and, perhaps, implemented through energy and consciousness some of which may be inserted even before we come into this physical reality. Regardless of when, we are implying that “Consciousness” relates directly to the biochemical, genetic processes which can be influenced by human thought.

Gariaev’s (Gariaev, et. al., 2017) research has also involved stem cells, as he has differentiated these early cells through his understanding of wave genetics. Ultimately, advancing understanding could lead to the growth of new organs. In his laboratory, he has already applied LWG to certain viruses, where, once their wave genetics has been determined, it can lead to the virus’s demise. Gariaev (2019) also has used a laser with a special polarized field to transmit information about whole chromosomes beyond simple strands of DNA, to establish a field of energy that mimics various organs.

Specifically, Gariaev sees DNA as LWG (linguistic wave genetics), where all the information about a person and any bio-system, including the genetic coding, is included in the so-called “Bohm universal hologram” associated with waves. Here chromosomes are created as part of a holographic continuum, just as a barcode that can be read by a laser is created for an object. This could also be used for the reading and input of additional wave codes into the human body and other biosystems.

However, a similar demonstration of this was accomplished through the work of Nobel Prize winner, Luc Montagnier, who discovered that DNA can be coded into radio waves and electromagnetic frequencies and transferred through the medium of water

Here, he was able to show how the DNA worked like odata files that could be transferred into the water through electromagnetic frequencies around 7-8Hz (Montagnier et. al., 2011).

Specifically, Luc Montagnier, who at one time worked at the famous Pasteur Institute in France and helped to uncover the AIDS virus, claimed to have demonstrated the ability of DNA to communicate and transfer itself, not in a physical form, but as an encoded structure, via low-frequency radio waves. That is, the information of the sequence code of the DNA was encoded into the water, again, not as DNA per se, but the DNA blueprint or code was stored in the water.

Specifically, Montagnier demonstrated many times that by placing a test tube of DNA next to a test tube of plain water in an electromagnetic field of about 7 Hz overnight (Montagnier et. al., 2009), the plain water, after being exposed to the EM field, acquired/stored the information of the DNA in its memory.

Montagnier did not stop there, but using a process called Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), he recreated the DNA from the “water” structure. PCR is based on using the ability of DNA polymerase to synthesize a new strand of DNA. Montagnier’s experiments began in 2008 and were published in 2011 (Montagnier, 2011) under the title “DNA waves and water”.

It caused a loud echo in the scientific world, because it contains experimental evidence of distant (long) wave transmission structures of DNA directly into water.

For Montagnier, the first element required for the codes of DNA to be housed is water, but it is the frequency of 7-8 Hz that codes the information into water via the electromagnetic wave (Montagnier et. al., 2009). However, Gariaev’s research was ahead of Montagnier by at least 10 years. Basically, Montagnier’s research lends support to the function of “Linguistic-wave genetics (LWG)” where the genes are also an energy code structure that can be encoded and recoded as wave genetics. Gariaev also has a patent for the “phantom Effect” recorded by the DNA, which may illustrate the principle of the transfer of DNA “phantom” information when water is included (see Russian Patent, 2009, m 2355009 “Method and apparatus of obtaining wave replicative DNA mapping”. Request number 2007102044. Priority of invention.

The complexity and the very existence of the DNA data was also acknowledged by research scientists, Vladimir I. shCerbak and Maxim A. Makukov, in their paper entitled, “The ‘Wow! Signal’ of the terrestrial genetic code” (2013). They examined the complexity of DNA from mainly a mathematical perspective. They discovered a unique mathematical sequence containing numbers such as zero, and complex sequences creating numbers like 111 and 999. For them, the DNA is a perfect non-random computer code with enough redundancy to ensure its function.

If we begin to comprehend the magnitude and use of the DNA structure in practical terms, we understand how Professors V. shCherbak and Maxim Makukov (2013), came to the unusual conclusion that it is almost impossible for DNA to have created itself through “natural selection” or by chance. Their observation of the DNA molecular arrangement as a whole, led them to hypothesize that an intelligent signal is embedded in our genetic code and would be a mathematical and semantic message. It is their assertion, that DNA as we know it cannot be accounted for exclusively by Darwinian evolution. This premise stems from their understanding of the lack of randomness in our DNA, and they claim that the redundancy in DNA coding ensures its continuation. In their opinion, DNA is a near-perfect code that could not have designed itself.”


Gariaev, Pieter P. (1997) Wave genetic code. Ed. “Izdatcentr”. Moscow. In Russian. V_Genetica%20(Kniga).zip

Gariaev, Peter P. (2003) Der wellengenetische Code. No. 20, Tattva Viveka pp.68-73. (In


Gariaev, Peter P. (2013) “The Principles of Linguistic-Wave Genetics” Future History. Series 7 vol. 3 Los Gatos: Academy For Future Science, based on the Russian text.

Gariaev, Peter P. (2019) Wavegenetics Device. device.html

Gariaev, Peter P. and Katherine A. Leonova (2003) “Strange world of wave genetics,” Consciousness and physical reality. Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 27-40.

Gariaev, Peter P., George G. Tertishny, and Katherine A. Leonova (2009) “The Wave, Probabilistic and Linguistic Representations of Cancer and HIV,” Journal of Non- Locality and Remote Mental Interactions Vol. 1 Nr. 2. istics-wave-genetics-of-peter.html. Lagerkvist, Ulf (1978) “ ‘Two out of three’: an alternative method for codon reading”, Proc National Academy of Science. USA, 1978 April; 75, 4, pp. 1759-62.

Gariaev, Peter P., et. al. (2017) Practical Application of Linguistic Wave Genetics (LWG) Principle in creating Quantum Information Matrices (QIM) used for Programming Plain Liquids into Medically Active Liquids, called Quantum Information Matrix Programmed Liquids (QIMPL). Journal of Clinical Epigenetics. vol. 3 No. 3:22.

Montagnier, Luc and J. Aissa, S. Ferris, J.L. Montagnier, and C. Lavallee (2009) “Electromagnetic Signals are Produced by Aqueous Nanostructures Derived from Bacterial DNA Sequences”, Interdiscip Sci Comput Life Sci. 1 January 2009, pp. 81-90. media/news/MontagnierElectromagneticSig nals.pdf

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shCherbak, Vladimir I. and Maxim A Makukov (2013) The “Wow! signal” of the terrestrial genetic code, (updated 12 Jun 2017) arXiv:1303.6739 [q-bio.OT]; DOI:10.1016/j.icarus.2013.02.017.

Shipman, Seth L., et. al. (2017). “CRISPR–Cas encoding of a digital movie into the genomes of a population of living bacteria,” Nature. 547 (7663): 345–349. Bibcode:2017, Nature. 547..345S. doi:10.1038/nature23017. PMC 5842791. PMID 28700573.


Many readers may have not been familiar with any of the foregoing and may be troubled from never hearing DNA AND ITS INFORMATION source being discussed on social media platforms. That is an understandable reaction.  That is also particularly true for those living in America, whose physicists have largely adopted a particles over “wave information” doctrinal view toward DNA.  In August 2024, the following was released and that viewpoint maybe slowly changing:



Quantum information science (QIS) and technology (QIST)1 takes advantage of quantum mechanical properties, such as superposition and entanglement, and combines them with information theory to enable new modalities of sensing, computing, communications, and networking. These new modalities can provide disruptive advantages for select applications, potentially outperforming existing classical approaches. Building on decades of American investment, the U.S. National Quantum Initiative (NQI),2 codified in 2018 by the NQI Act, 3 authorized flagship QIST research centers and institutes, convened an industry consortium, and created several mechanisms to coordinate the NQI program. These whole-of-government efforts involving at least 23 Federal departments and agencies (hereafter, “agencies”) resulted in Federal QIST spending roughly doubling from $450M in 2019 to more than $1B in 2022.  4 To accelerate American leadership in the field, the 2018 qNational Strategic Overview for QIS (National Strategic Overview) describes six policy pillars: science, workforce, industry, infrastructure, security, and international cooperation.5 Subsequent strategy documents have augmented the National Strategic Overview, such as those on workforce and the role of international talent, all of which can be found on

6– 8 This report similarly augments the National Strategic Overview, in particular the international pillar, and articulates several areas for focus, including reviewing international collaborative activities, prioritizing strategic partnerships, and encouraging merit-based and transparent fundamental research and innovation systems, in order to realize the science and technology (S&T) benefits associated with the next quantum revolution.

This report discusses the current ability of the United States to fulfill these objectives. Section 2 describes the motivation for continued international collaboration in QIST, Section 3 discusses opportunities for collaboration, and Section 4 provides three recommendations to enhance the United States’ ability to engage in QIST research and development (R&D) on the global stage.


We will now turn our attention back to the interview of Drs. Tour and Meyer toward concluding this article post:

“ … In fact George Gamma, one of the great physicists of the time, realized very quickly that the string of A’s, C’s, G's and T's along the spine of the DNA could be represented as a represented as a digital bit string.

So what you have; and what Crick realizes, he calls this the sequence hypothesis; is that DNA is contains information for the construction of the proteins and protein machines that are needed to keep cells alive. 

So it's very much like our our modern … CAD cam technology that's used in in say a Boeing plant where an engineer will sit at a console write some code. The code is then translated into another machine code that direct the function of a a manufacturing apparatus. 

So maybe at Boeing …  the code from the engineer would put the rivets on the airplane wing in just the right place.

Or younger people are aware of these these 3D printers; where we have digital information directing the construction of three-dimensional mechanical or other structures.  

That’s what's actually going on on inside cells you've got.

It’s not just that there's code.  It’s code that's directing the production of three-dimensional proteins and protein machines that are absolutely essential for everything the cell does.

So even the simplest cell contains DNA and DNA turns out; and even I presume, I'm putting it correctly … Correct me if I'm wrong,  even the simplest DNA turns out to be a fantastically complicated and sophisticated instruction manual right?  Is that correct right? And can I add one really quick cherry on top of this?

You could fit the entire internet in terms of the amount of information …  the amount of data into a single gram of DNA.

Just to give you a sense of how much more sophisticated DNA is as a storehouse … or as a technology than what we currently have … think about the huge … you know data storehouses … think about the huge amount of physical material required to run the internet; and then think about that all of all of that information can fit into a single gram of DNA. 

Whoever designed this thing is of a level of intelligence far greater than our own.

I'll just go ahead and show my cards by saying that let's continue for building very specific things that are needed to keep keep living cells alive.   So if you believe as Darwin believed that the first life was a blob of jello … maybe you have pictures in your mind that suggest that you can get that out of primordial soup.  

They just weren't that worried about the problem in the 1870s, because they had a false idea of how simple life was.

They thought a couple reactions they'd figured out … but now you've got to figure out DNA. Yeah.  How do you get that out of the primordial soup? 

Why isn't the whole scientific establishment saying stop presses … we have a problem?  

That’s what I've said.  I said time out!  I had a whole article called “Timeout”.

I mean you're sensing the frustration. Welcome to my world.  I mean this is the problem. This is the problem … none of this works!

It’s a bunch of of Science Fiction.  It’s really nonsense what these guys are putting forward; and they're building their careers around this thing. 

And money continues to this day.  40 million euros was just designated to in 10 years to figure out where life came from. And there's about 40 researchers that in Europe … that are going to try to do this. 

It’s really nonsense. We don't even know where to begin.  We don't know how to take these the simple building blocks.  

What they're going to end up doing … and I'll make a prediction right here … what they're going to end up doing is something that's analogous to what Craig Venter has already done.  They’re going to take a living cell and they're going to knock some parts out of it; and then, put the parts back in that they knocked out and say … hey look … we made life. 

You didn't make life. You started with a living cell … I mean … this is what they started … with a car … you took the carburetor out of one car; and put a carburetor from another car in … and said hey … look we made car.  

Because they're not going to know where to begin.  There’s so many problems.  

It’s not just five problems.  Talk about five problems; because these are five you're going to have to solve.  But that's five of 5,000 that are facing you. 

That just to begin, none of these do we know how to make the polymers?  None of these do we know how to assess them.  We’re just lost on every phase it.  It is a big scam. 

One more question Jim. I'm going to quote you again. I'm quoting your article “Imagine” that the world's best synthetic chemists biochemists and evolutionary biologists have got combined forces to form a a team “A Dream Team”.

Money is No Object. They have at their disposal the most Advanced Analytical facilities the complete scientific literature; since synthetic and natural coupling agents and all the reagents their hearts might desire.  They have a lot of things I don't even understand; but they have it all.  They have carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, and nucleic acids … stored in their Laboratories in a state of 100% purity. Would the Dream Team … I'm continuing to quote Dr. Tour … would the Dream Team please assemble a living system … take your time folks … take a few billion years nothing well well well well okay Jim this expresses your frustration. It’s fair … I get that … but there's one piece of this that still puzzles me.  You say take a few billion years.  Isn’t that still the argument? … that if you give it enough time … somehow or other … it's an immensely complex procedure …but if you give it enough time … enough shocks of lightning … you maybe we can't do it in a lab?  

But the real lab had Billions of years at it.   What about the element of time? 

Time is your enemy enemy. 

Time is your enemy? 

Yes, because those organic compounds (decompose).

In the 50s George Wald, a famous scientist who worked on the original life problem said: that time was the hero of the plot right? Give it enough time … that what's improbable … will become inevitable. 

But Jim … I'm perfect for you, because I was using old textbooks in high school that were probably printed we all still get this yeah same stuff so the the 

Compounds decompose … all those beautiful chemicals that they have stored in their labs in 100% Purity … after a few years they're not 100% Purity.  In fact the RNA after a few weeks has undergone significant degradation; so the whole idea is that … oh well somehow one RNA formed and then it took off … if you have one RNA molecule … if you figure the half-life of RNA … maybe a month in water, you have to change that to a probability that one molecule has a few hours to survive.  

It doesn't survive just like your Pharmaceuticals say don't take this after one year.   

You now want to wait billions of years and see what it's going to become everything? Goes bad with time. These are not even stored in very strict conditions.  But even if they are there's always a degradation rate … so time is your enemy. 

So if you happen to have all of those chemicals; they're all going to go bad to nothing.  Your time is your enemy … it's the enemy of being able to do these things. 

In fact every organic chemist knows this.  If they go home for the weekend without treating their compounds properly and bringing them on to a stable state, they come back after the weekend and it's fallen apart.  I mean you pay the price for this sort of thing

So you don't have the time.  Time is your enemy in these Miller Urey type experiments. 

There’s a problem called interfering cross reactions, where you get yes two or three maybe four or five protein for amino acids, but there's all kinds of other chemical compounds that are also synthesized in those same experiments; and they will quickly react with the things you want and form in the case of the Miller Urey experiment the sludge … was called melanoid; and that it's moving in a life unfriendly direction. 

So what the chemist has to do is effectively intervene to remove the byproducts that are unwanted to allow only the things that are wanted to continue on in the simulation

But that chemist has to play God exactly. It’s an intelligent intervention and what is often presented as a very neat and tidy solved problem … as if the world that we experience … the reality that we experience can be fully answered fully explained on a pure materialistic worldview?  … that's what I'm contending against.


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