
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

“Polymaths | Restoration of Human Organs (2011) | Dr. Peter Gariaev | Dr. Luc Montagnier” by Jeffrey Thayer (August 2024)

Read time 35 minutes.
Polymaths | Restoration of Human Organs (2011) | Dr. Peter Gariaev | Dr. Luc Montagnier”  by Jeffrey Thayer (August 2024)

This article began with a CHAT GPT 4.0 prompt to create an image.  But it is not about that image nor the AI software.  No!  This article is about subjects a far greater relevance to readers right now.  In this article we focus on what was established biophysics science in 2001-2012.  We focus and summarize here on holographic chromosomes, DNA being read and written to in the human body with frequencies read and projected.  And we briefly discuss “Matrix Cities”, which may be recognized by some readers by different names in the popular news. some readers.  I would humbly submit, after a careful reading of this article, and the patient viewing of each embedded or linked video, most will no longer question the existence of the Simulation we both now live in and various simulated realities some have already created.

My CHAT GPT 4.0 PROMPT for the graphic above:  “create a image 1280 by 720 pixels of a galaxy spinning counterclockwise and over it create a wordle of these words with different fonts, sizes and colors with these KEYWORDS: polymath, quantum, biophysics, SYNBIO, augmented, synthetic, hologram continuum, space time, regeneration, mathematics, frequency, biolasers, wave linguistics



Video URL:

Video language: English (auto-generated)




“Introduction.  Hello.  I’m here with Dr. Peter Gariaev of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  Peter is a developer of some pretty amazing science.  Should this science be properly commercialized, it'll have a huge impact of significant impact globally on both food production and human health.  There is also with me Dr. Irene Caesar a co-director of RuQuantum.



this article which is likely to be controversial with readers:  IRENE CAESAR: “HOW TO BUILD MATRIX CITY”

(August 2016) 

And follow all links.  Readers may discern connections and data points with recommendations for small cities in the popular news].

In this article, I will not be speaking to this video of a KEYNOTE speech in 2023 by Dr. Caesar.  It will be the subject of a future article.  At the same time, watching it is highly recommended.  If you do watch it, please click on the Transcript function on YouTube to accurately follow the language she uses to describe the real science.(14 minutes)


This Bio of Dr. Irene Caesar may also be of interest to some readers:

Dr. Caesar holds a doctorate degree in philosophy of science, and is an author of three books. She is an author of the structuralist theory of wave genome. In August 2012, Dr. Caesar co-founded the Consortium MATRIX CITY with the Institute for National Security in Moscow for building human settlements of a completely new type, with the application of the information-wave technologies of the Quantum Leap.

In May 2013, Dr. Caesar formulated the principles of the Quantum Internet, based upon her principle of the uniqueness of the non-local wave matrices (Irene Caesar, 2012), and instantaneous transmission between all tokens of the same unique non-local wave matrix. Dr. Caesar presented her project MATRIX CITY in her public lecture at the Harriman Institute of the Columbia University in September 2012.

Irene Caesar, Ph.D., is regularly presenting her research at the major Science Conferences all over the world.

In November 2017, Dr. Caesar was invited to head the Neural Engineering Section at the BIT's 1st WORLD CONGRESS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, Theme: Co-creating a New Future of Biomedicine, November 9-11, 2017, in Xi'an, China.


“Peter is the developer of some pretty amazing science.  If this science is correctly commercialized, it will have a huge impact on both wealth, health, and also food production. 

CAESAR:  Principle difference between classical and wave genetics.  I’m holding my hands 1994 “Genetic Cult”, 1997 “Linguistic Wave”, and “Genome” 2009.

What is the principle difference between your theory of wave genetics and the theory of classical genetics and what is the practical application of your theory? 

GARIAEV:  Classical  genetics considers the genetic material only as a substance, while we consider it from the point of view of magical chemistry.  That is genetic material is a substance that has meanings through text.  This is also not a metaphor.  Chromosomes are created in some holographic continuum. 

We artificially created this electromagnetic and acoustic fields or vice versa read them directly from chromosomes.  This allows us to intentionally influence man as nobody else is capable of doing now, including medical professionals or biochemists.  And as a result of transmitting this wave structures upon man, organs and tissues of man.  

We have started with animals and have now applied this technology to humans; heavy cases of viral diseases. Heavy incurable genetic disorders.  All these are cured by the linguistic waves of genetics.  

We do already have cases of practical applications.  For example viruses can be killed in a completely different way without application of any chemical drugs.

CAESAR:  Practical applications of wave genetics contain DNA to the water tube that didn't contain DNA but how long did you conduct similar experiments ahead of the experiments by Luc Montagnier, and why is your technology more advanced? 


GARIAEV:  Because in 2000 we staged a crucial experiment on a much higher level. When we transmitted the information from the pancreas we killed the pancreas with the (elixir?) poison. 

This is while we transmitted a huge amount of genetic information and more precisely more for genetic inflammation that allow sick animals to survive.  And that is why while his (Montagnier) data, their equipment, is very primitive, they simply use a generator that produces a seven electromagnetic field, and this is enough to read the genetic information. 

On our side we have used more sophisticated equipment based upon the facts that our chromosomes are the source that is used by our chromosomes.  Our foundations both theoretical and experimentation, we've achieved better results in 2001 

It was read from the wholesome organ of a pancreas … 

Our experiments were reproduced by the Canadian research group which was supposed to independently verify our results.  In principle our results were sensational.  A magnetic field which was coded by pancreas.  That but after taking them apart into a different location in Toronto, 15 to 20 animals could have survived.  

Only in the case of the pancreas regeneration, the blood sugar in the rats sick with diabetes had fallen from a very high level to a normal level.  We proceeded to the second part of the experiment.  That’s significant.  As a result we transform the incentive line of bacterium into the line which is sensitive to the antibiotic.  Our technologies are patented, and everybody can use them.  Let us move in this direction.  In this way we can use correctly financial resources which we will spend via way of genetics. 

It consists in the wave of quantum control over stem cells.  We can record some specific genetic information upon stem cells.  First of all it is not always possible to find a donor.  Secondly even after stem cells are obtained, biologists do not know how to manage and control stem cells.  They inject them and get cancer.  As a result, contrary to this, we have specific technologies which allows us to get a patient's own stem cells.  Program these stem cells and then inject them back.”

For more of all the papers of Dr. Peter Gariaev please go to these links:


This eBook Primer (2011) is about the nature of recent research on structured water, DNA morphology and some significant scientific research that could improve the health crisis.  This is a rapidly expanding field in quantum biophysics, homeopathy, materials sciences, and water structure.  There is clearly a relationship between infrared light frequencies, sound frequencies, structured water interfaces and memory, and DNA and cellular functions.  Research continues.  The stakes are enormous.  As disinformation and skepticism increases, so does the body of peer-review science which silences those with vested interested in outdated science. The reader is encouraged to read everything, watch relevant videos and use critical thinking to arrive at conclusions with which they are comfortable.

Roughly three quarters of U.S. health care costs arise from five of the most costly diseases.  We all can agree there is a significant problem globally and governments seem disturbed but ineffective in addressing it.  A high proportion of that 75% is now known to be preventable by changes in behavior which includes patient perception, patient knowledge of new treatment modalities, the placebo effect, digital biology and homeopathy, energy medicines and much, much more.  A recent health care summit held in Washington DC, brought together people from the pharmaceutical, insurance, and medical treatment sectors, to discuss ways to stem the tide of spiraling health care costs, which is now around $2.4 trillion annually, and add more than 46 million people to health care, at an estimated additional $634 billion over the next ten years, through 2019.

Consequently “Health Crisis:  Solved – ‘The DNA and Structured Water Interfaces.’” was conceived to provide a layperson with the ability to understand the past and current evolution of scientific knowledge concerning the existence of and importance of structured water in biological systems and ultimately hydration.  The ramifications of a complete understanding of hydration “with structured water” upon human health en masse and resolving the global Health Crisis cannot be overstated.



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