30 Minute Read
“A 2024 Primer for Lay People | An Environmental & Epigenetic “Impact Study” | Addressing: Exponential Growth of Population; Health Care Cognitive Threats and Costs; Linguistic DNA Waves; Gene Drive Organisms; Synthetic Biology; Structured Water, Bioholography; and Other Core ‘First Principles’ Concepts.” by Jeffrey Thayer (September 2024)
“Life is water dancing to the tune of solids”. Albert Szent-Gyorgy
“Let’s simplify this discussion for the adults in the room. The amount of people talking about the simulation of our reality has increased exponentially on the Internet. In those discissions, are we really asking the right questions; when we try to understand whether there is or is not a simulation. So let’s ask some more simple questions? First Principles: Would life as we understand it exist as it is without water? Is this water a medium by which the body operates in terms of perception, information storage, movement, and the body’s maintenance? Do particles and waves utilize water to carry a charge of electricity and to convey information through DNA and it’s entirety of processes? As information is communicated to, through, and from the water in our body, does the water ‘structure’ itself in different forms to carry out various tasks? Readers’ answers to those questions may change after reading through this article.” Jeffrey Thayer
“ A division is old as Aristotle separates speculators into two great classes, – those who study the HOW of the Universe, and those who study the WHY. All men of science are embraced in the former of these, all men of religion in the latter. The former regard the Universe as a huge machine, and the object is to study the laws which regulate it’s working; the latter again speculate about the object of the MACHINE, and what sort of work it is intended to produce. The disciples of HOW are accused by their adversaries of being willing to sacrifice the individual to the system; the disciples of the WHY are accused by their adversaries of being willing to sacrifice the system to the individual. “THE UNSEEN UNIVERSE, OR PHYSICAL SPECULATIONS ON A FUTURE STATE”, London 1875 by B. Stewart and P. G. Tait.
“It was many years ago that villagers in Downstream recall spotting the first body in the river. Some old timers remember how spartan were the facilities and procedures for managing that sort of thing. Sometimes, they say, it would take hours to pull 10 people from the river, and even then only a few would survive. Though the number of victims in the river has increased greatly in recent years, the good folks of Downstream have responded admirably to the challenge. Their rescue system is clearly second to none: most people discovered in the swirling waters are reached within 20 minutes — many in less than 10. Only a small number drown each day before help arrives — a big improvement from the way it used to be. Talk to the people of Downstream and they’ll speak with pride about the new hospital by the edge of the waters, the flotilla of rescue boats ready for service at a moment’s notice, the comprehensive health plans for coordinating all the manpower involved, and the large number of highly trained and dedicated swimmers always ready to risk their lives to save victims from the raging currents. Sure it costs a lot but, say the Downstreamers, what else can decent people do except to provide whatever is necessary when human lives are at stake. Oh, a few people in Downstream have raised the question now and again, but most folks show little interest in what’s happening Upstream. It seems there’s so much to do to help those in the river that nobody’s got time to check how all those bodies are getting there in the first place. That’s the way things are, sometimes.”. Donald Ardell, “The Parable of the Downstreamers” in High Level Wellness: An Alternative to Doctors, Drugs and Disease”
“The only thing new in the world is the history you do not know”. - Harry S. Truman.
“The past does not repeat itself … it rhymes”. Mark Twain.
“12. I have much to tell you, but you cannot yet bear to hear it. 13. when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak what He hears, and He will declare to you what is to come. (John 16. 12-13). [EMPHASIS ADDED]
In 2011, I researched and published:
“Health Crisis: Solved - The DNA and Structured Water Interfaces” Copyright 2011 - Jeff “JT” Thayer Smashwords Edition (First Edition eBook – Enhanced with Cyber-Bridges) by Jeff “JT” Thayer and published through a website and by Smashwords at: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/51394
At the same time I used Smashwords to publish and host an eBook version of a novel entitled: ReGenesis, a Galilean Manner of Speech (2011). https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/46237
Both books at the time contained active cyberlinks to content referred to in the text. The internet was less developed in 2011 and much has changed; where many links in the eBook no longer work. Even more importantly, the state of our scientific understanding of the subject matters of the 2011 eBook; and now this article, has increased by magnitudes of ten.
Those who read the 2011 eBook may consider this to be a substantial UPDATE. And those new to the subject matters need not be concerned about having not read the original eBook.
This article contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of DNA, structured water, vortex and implosion technoligies in the context of water, coherent oscillations, human health biotechnologies, and select public policy issues. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material in this book is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: CORNELL LAW. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this book for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.
Why Are Simplified Definitions Required?
How is this article different from the original eBook? The original eBook quoted many relevant scientists in their fields of specialties. The majority of the quotes were taken from writings, intended to be read by scientist peers, and not the general public.
In contrast, this article is intended to provide some assistance to lay person readers offering definitions and etymologies of words used; where available. Wholly new words and phrases have been created in the last 40 years to describe scientists’ observations of the subject matters in our article. Some, if not all, of these new words, are derived from digital computing analogies. Some may be familiar to readers, and others not. So definitions or explanations will be provided.
Why is An “Environmental Epigenetic” Impact Study Required?
A second attribute distinguishing this article from the original eBook is a focus of the environmental and epigenetic impact of the scientific findings discussed; that is, upon individuals, communities, and the planet as a whole system or organism.
“… Epigenetics is a relatively new field of study that looks at how certain chemicals inside your body’s cells control how your genes work. Scientists call these chemicals epigenetic marks or chemical signatures. Sometimes, these chemical signatures help your body become stronger or more resilient. Other times, they harm your health. If you break down the word epigenetics, you get epi + genetics. “Epi” is Greek for “over, outside of, around.” “Genetics” refers to genes — the thousands of pieces of DNA that make you a unique person…”. As will soon be revealed to readers, ubiquitous electromagnetic frequencies now flood the environment in which we live. Those frequencies can be beneficial, and some can be quite harmful.
Hence an environmental and epigenetic impact study is warranted. This brief article is not a full study of the type required. It is intended to illustrate some highlighted considerations as to reasons such an impact study is required.
“25. Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. (John 21.25)
“… A genetic mutation is similar to a missing word or spelling error in a sentence, which renders it incomplete and incoherent. In computing terms, it may be compared to the loss or corruption of a file that leads to program errors and system crashes. The more our genome mutate, the less functional we become. Mutations are supposed to be building blocks of biological evolution, but in reality, all they do is break things down. The mutational load accumulated over thousands of years of degeneration is manifest in genetic disorders, afflicting modern man. According to the CDC, half of all adults in the United States, have at least one chronic disease, such as heart, disease, diabetes, or cancer, and many of our elderly now suffer from a condition of multi-morbidity, which is the co-occurrence of two or more chronic diseases. Nearly 70% of Americans are on at least one prescription drug, and more than half take two. The greed of pharmaceutical companies is partly responsible for this egregious figure, but it reveals a sobering reality – we are not feeling very well, and for good reason. There are now over 6000 human, genetic disorders, many which are fatal or severely debilitating and the number is growing every day. In the 1950s, geneticist were growing increasingly concerned about the accumulation of deleterious mutations in the human gene pool, which they estimated could be occurring at a rate of approximately 0.1 to 0.3 nuclear mutations per person per generation. Among these men, renowned geneticist, Hermann Muller projected that one, dileterious mutations per person per generation would inevitably lead to a critical mass scenario called error catastrophe, which is a technical way of saying extinction by mutation. We know that there are over 1000 deleterious nucleotide mutations per person per generation, and that is by some accounts a conservative estimate…”. “ Birthright, the coming Posthuman Apocalypse, and the usurpation of Adams dominion on planet earth” by Timothy Alberino; see Hermann J. Muller, PDF https://mayfile.online/download/4876002-birthright-the-coming-posthuman-apocalypse-and-the-usurpation-of-adam-s-dominion-on-planet-earth ; “the relation of recombination to mutational advance, mutation research one, no. 1” May 1964:2–9.; John C Sanford, “genetic entropy and the mystery of the genome”N. P.: SMS publishing, 2008, 37.
My undergrad training was in history and environmental sciences at Dartmouth College; mentored by close relationships with Professirs: Dr. Gordon J.F. MacDonald and Dr. Donella “Dana” Meadows. At the time between 1972-1976 my field of interest at the time was pursuing a career in within environmental law and policy. In that regard, I worked closely with both professors on two environmental impact studies spanning two or more years. And at that time, Dr. MacDonald was a member of the President’s Science Advisory Committee PSAC, participating in The River Charles approach recruiting interns from academia incubator projects, as well as chairing at times JASON advisory group. Dr. MacDonald’s role and work with JASON, ARPA, and DARPA spanned 40 years. Dr. MacDonald chaired the CIA's MEDEA Committee (1993–1996), a group of environmental scientists convened by the CIA to study whether data from classified intelligence systems could shed light on global environmental issues. He was awarded the CIA's Agency Seal Medallion in 1994. He was Chief Scientist and Vice President of the MITRE Corporation from 1983 to 1990. His laudatory influence over many interdisciplinary fields of sciences discussed in this article is intricately recorded over many pages of author Ann Finkbeiner’s book: “The Jasons, The Secret History of Science’s PostWar Elite” (2006).
Dr. Gordon J.F. MacDonald, chair of the department (member and chair of JASON advisory group):
Dr. Donella Meadows, author “Limits to Growth” and “Thinking in Systems”:
More about my mentorship under Dr. Meadows regarding the environmental and epigenetic impacts of exponential population growth together with health care cost increases and the explosion of digital technologies is returned to below.
For the purposes of this article, there are links between the foregoing, Jason‘s and interdisciplinary fields of biology, physics, and computer engineering. In her book, Finkbiner provides this description:
“… JASON began hiring biologists in the mid-1990s, and has since done biological studies, not only on biodefense, but on everything from the human genome, medical imaging on the battlefield, and cleaning up toxic waste with microorganisms, to the possible links between the Navy sonar exercises and miniepidemics of beached whales. JASONS’ biologists’ collaboration with JASON physicists is a little unnatural. The physicists’ training and that of Jason mathematicians, astronomers, geophysicists, oceanographers, and computer scientists have considerable overlap. All physicists are trained in mathematics; all astronomers, geophysicists, and oceanographers are trained in physics. Physicists are often expert in computer sciences, hardware and software, making electronics and building searchable databases. Between physicists and biologists, however lies and ocean of differing training, languages, methods, and subjects. … So when the Department of Energy’s Ari Patrinos, who directed, both biological and environmental research, began asking JASON to study the government’s campaign to unravel the exact order of a human’s DNA, JASON once again had to get itself educated. JASON got a hold of a series of taped lectures on biology that they played at lunch. They invited biologist lecturers, including some luminaries in the field of genetics, JASON also got lessons from Dr. X how to sequence DNA. DNA, which commands almost everything that happens in the body, is made of four basic building blocks; sequencing DNA is a easy way of finding out the order of those building blocks, which in turn is the code for its commands.”. “THE JASONS, …”, Finkbeiner, supra, pp. 202-204.
“ A variety of genetic modifications will become easily accessible to the common man – from simple, aesthetic alterations, such as changing the color of one’s eyes, to significant upgrades in the physical capabilities of the body and the cerebral capacity of the mind. Even if corporations exercise a measure of caution in the marketing of genome modification merchandise (and caution has never been a virtue of commerce), The Pentagon has already thrown caution into the wind, as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) races to deploy genetically enhanced super soldiers on the battlefield before the Russians and the Chinese accomplish the same. In 2013, DARPA published a solicitation entitled “advanced tools for mammalian genome engineering”. Despite its ambiguous title, the stated objective of the project leaves no room for doubt as to which species of mammal it intends to genetically engineer:
Improve the utility of human artificial chromosomes (HAC) by developing new selectable metabolic markers for use in human cells, new high-fidelity methods for inserting DNA constructs of at least 50,000 base pairs(bp) in length into defined genomic loci, and new methodologies for facile intercellular genome transplantation.’ …”. BIRTHRIGHT …”, Alberino, supra, p. 264. DARPA / 13.B / ST23B-001, Advanced Tools for Mammalian Genome Engineering (SBIRSource ONLINE) accessed July 2, 2019; “ENGINEERING HUMANS FOR WAR,” The Atlantic, September 23, 3015 by Annie Jacobsen; “Russia and China’s ‘Enhanced Human Operations’ Terrify the Pentagon” by Eric Tegler, Popular Mechanics, December 16, 2015.
Readers should be aware, if you are not already, the research into augmenting humans by genetic modification did not begin recently. Its history dates back to the ten years or more prior to the publication in 2002 of “HUMAN CLONING AND HUMAN DIGNITY, THE REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL ON BIOETHICS, with a foreward by Leon R. Kass, MD.
“Foreward … As modern Americans, we face an additional difficulty. The greatest dangers we confront in connection with the biological revolution arise, ironically, from principles that are central to our self-definition and well-being: devotion to life and its preservation; freedom to inquire, invent, or invest in whatever we want; a commitment to compassionate humanitarianism; and the confident pursuit of progress through the mastery of nature. The burgeoning technological power to intervene in the human body and mind, just celebrated for its contributions to human welfare, is also available for uses that could slide us down the dehumanizing path toward what C. S. Lewis, in a powerful little book by that name, called the abolition of Man. Thus, just as we must do battle with anti-modern fanaticism and barbaric disregard for human life, so we must avoid runaway technology, “‘scientism’, and the utopian project to remake humankind in our own image. Safeguarding the human future rests on our ability to steer a prudent metal course, avoiding the inhuman Osama bin Laden’ers on the one side and the post human Brave New World’ers on the other. To plot and narrate is the single greatest challenge for thought and action in the domain of bioethics. …”
Do genetically enhanced humans (augmented) (Super Soldiers) have rights? Since 2001 this “augmentation” has been deployed real science; complete with nano-tech synthetic (SYNBIO DNA) and hardware upgrades. Do these experiments remain remain “human”; or are they the new homoborgenesis “products” of their patent holding earthly creators? Do these chimeric (part human - part synthetic) beings have rights; which are the same as humans? Why? Before answering, please read the following carefully. Your answers are likely to change.
“… 31. You saw, O king, and behold, a great image. This image, mighty and of exceeding brightness, stood before you, and its appearance was frightening. 32. The head of this image was of fine gold, its chest and arms of silver, its middle and thighs of bronze, 33. its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay. 34. As you looked, a stone was cut out by no human hand, and it struck the image on its feet of iron and clay, and broke them in pieces. 35. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold, all together were broken in pieces, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away, so that not a trace of them could be found. But the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth. (Daniel 11.31-35)
One example is the May 2021 UK and German Defence Ministry report “Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm: A strategic implications project,” which is replete with examples of experiments and augmentation procedures already undertaken. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/986301/Human_Augmentation_SIP_access2.pdf
“… Introduction Executive Summary:
The ability to enhance one’s physical, psychological or social capability has been a source of power throughout history, and warfare is the epitome of this dynamic. The paradox
of war is that humans are central to its conduct but are also the weakest link. We want ‘war fighters’ – whether they be cyber specialists, drone pilots or infantry soldiers – to
be stronger, faster, more intelligent, more resilient and more mobile to overcome the environment and the adversary. We have designed increasingly complex technologies
to enhance lethality, survivability and mobility. As technology has become more sophisticated our thinking has become more focused on the machine rather than the
person, but this needs to change if we are going to be effective in the future.
Recent advances in the life sciences and related technologies have led to the emergence of the interdisciplinary field known as human augmentation which has the potential to
disrupt every aspect of our lives. The interdependencies and potential implications of human augmentation are so vast and complex that it is difficult to make sense of what it
means for the future of society and Defence. The aim of this strategic implications project is to take the first step in making sense of these potential changes to human capabilities.
It offers a conceptual model for thinking about human augmentation, its future direction and identifies key implications for Defence and its stakeholders.
“…Key observations
Human augmentation will become increasingly relevant, partly because it can directly enhance human capability and behaviour and partly because it is the binding agent
between people and machines. Future wars will be won, not by those with the most advanced technology, but by those who can most effectively integrate the unique
capabilities of both people and machines. The importance of human-machine teaming is widely acknowledged but it has been viewed from a techno-centric perspective. Human
augmentation is the missing part of this puzzle.”
“Thinking of the person as a platform and understanding our people at an individual level is fundamental to successful human augmentation. Industrial Age warfare saw people
as interchangeable components of military units or the material with which to operate the platforms – vehicles, aircraft and ships. These platforms are routinely monitored and
analysed but it is remarkable that our ability to understand our most critical capability – the human – is so under-researched. Successful application of human augmentation
demands a more sophisticated approach to understanding our people and their capabilities. Defining the key elements of the ‘human platform’ – physical, psychological and social – provides a conceptual baseline to enable a multidisciplinary conversation. …
“Human augmentation is not a shortcut – getting the basics of human physiology, biochemistry and psychology right is a prerequisite to human augmentation and will
become more important in the future. Research into human augmentation has shone a stark light on how little we know about how to do the basics well. We need to do more
to understand the precise effects of nutrition, sleep and hydration, and their relationship with other areas of the body to realise significant, yet untapped potential. Technology that improves monitoring will make it possible to individually optimise sleep, nutrition and other factors to deliver transformational gains across an organisation at relatively low cost and limited ethical risk.”
“Human augmentation is not just tomorrow’s business, there are short-term and long-term opportunities that require engagement today. The following matrix illustrates
the technical maturity and the magnitude of policy considerations of human augmentation technologies. It shows that there are technologies that could be integrated today with manageable policy considerations. The most transformative technologies (for example, genetics and brain interfaces) currently sit at a low level of technological maturity but we must be prepared for this to change quickly. Bioinformatics and collection and analytics (encompassing sensors, artificial intelligence-enabled processing) are particularly important enablers for other human augmentation technologies and warrant focused research and development attention. …”
“Feasibility assessment
We cannot wait for the ethics of human augmentation to be decided for us, we must be part of the conversation now. The ethical implications are significant but not
insurmountable; early and regular engagement will be essential to remain at the forefront of this field. Ethical perspectives on human augmentation will change and this could happen quickly. There may be a moral obligation to augment people, particularly in cases where it promotes well-being or protects us from novel threats. It could be argued that treatments involving novel vaccination processes and gene and cell therapies are examples of human augmentation already in the pipeline.
“The need to use human augmentation may ultimately be dictated by national interest. Countries may need to develop and use human augmentation or risk surrendering
influence, prosperity and security to those who will. National regulations dictating the pace and scope of scientific research reflect societal views, particularly in democracies
that are more sensitive to public opinion. The future of human augmentation should not, however, be decided by ethicists or public opinion, although both will be important voices; rather, governments will need to develop a clear policy position that maximises the use of human augmentation in support of prosperity, safety and security, without undermining
our values.”
“Governance in Western liberal societies and international institutions is already unable to keep pace with technological change and adoption of human augmentation will exacerbate this trend. National and international governance will be challenged by the myriad of implications of adopting human augmentation technologies. This could lead to
a new arms race and inter- and intra-state tensions if not carefully managed through early and regular dialogue. …”
In 2013, internationally acclaimed investigative author Thomas Horn wrote the heavily footnoted book “Zenith 2016” where in Chapter 9 he reveals what was known to have been already accomplished at “that time”. If one were to classify what Horn writes as a threat to humanity worldwide, in the form of Environmental and Epigenetic Impacts; readers most likely will agree the word “impact” to be a significant understatement. And the fact that, this silent COUP D’ETAT took place, largely under the “radar” of public scrutiny; without a vote, and without public comment being requested or given, is clearly self-evident.
“In 1993, critical thinking about the timing of the Singularity concerning the emergence of strong, artificial intelligence led retired, San Diego State University, professor and computer scientist Vernor Vinge, and is often quoted, and now famous lecture, “ The Coming Technological Singularity, delivered at VISION – 21 symposium sponsored by NASA Lewis Research Center, and the Ohio Aerospace Institute,to add “… that when science achieves, the technological means to create superhuman intelligence, shortly after, the human era will be ended.”
“… The correct spelling is homo borgiensis — and the term wasn’t created by NASA or DOD or any other government. It’s not, as far as I know, used in relevant government or NGO reports. The term homo borgiensis was coined by author Elva Thompson, as described in her 2014 essay Requiem for Humanity. …
Governments and NGOs refer to these hybrid organisms as cyborgs, borgs or augmented humans.
In recent interviews, of Attorney Todd Callender has referred to a 2001 NASA Langley report on h generation warfare as the source of the homo borgiensis term.
These two reports are related to the issues:
January 2001 - Emerging Technologies: Recommendations for Counter-Terrorism, Dartmouth College Institute for Security Technology Studies, edited by Joseph Rosen, MD, and Charles Lucey, MD, JD, MPH
July 2001 - Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025]: The Bots, Borgs and Humans Welcome You to 2025 AD. NASA Langley Research Center, Dennis M. Bushnell, Chief Scientist.
One of several observations in the second document of many data points of this 113 slide powerpoint deck is its provenance and its date in 2001.
Yes. The world’s environment to which our DNA is exposed did change exponentially between 2011-2024. And access to information about those changes occurred as well. The summary of Gene Drive Organisms is just one of many related technologies. Four short embedded VIDEO links are provided beneath the box, which illustrates Gene Drive Organisms together with their assessed benefits and their epigenetic threat impacts to our environment.
The Changed Landscape Between 2011-2024 | Summary of Some Genetics Frequency, Designed Synthetic Impacts of Technologies:
EXAMPLE 1: Gene Drive Organisms | Synthetic Biology
“From GMO to GDO – A Bad Idea Gone Worse
… A gene drive made by gene editing is a type of genetic modification, also called ‘genetic engineering.’ This is not the old-school GMOs like corn, soy and cassava brought to you by biotechnology companies that have spent the past three decades genetically manipulating plants, animals, microorganisms and insects. Those are bad enough, in part because they run the risk of accidentally spreading their modifications to unintended crops, plants and populations. Gene drives are genetic modifications designed to spread deliberately, changing not just one crop but an entire species. Gene drives are population-
scale genetic engineering. …”
“… The belief that new technologies will provide the main cure to humanity’s problems is increasingly common across the globe. From industrial agriculture, where proponents of genetic modification argue that new altered crops can help feed the world, to digital healthcare, where some propose artificial intelligence and robotics to prevent people needing to see a doctor. Even some people who claim to be furthering biodiversity conservation express their faith in hi- tech solutions, such as the deploying remotely controlled drones and satellite imaging to monitor endangered organisms.
“It seems that powerful individuals and organisations have an almost blind faith that we can live better, more comfortable, and more efficient lives by embracing every new technology under the sun, regardless of who developed it, who profits from it and what the real motivations and potential consequences might be. They define advanced society as one that embraces technological innovation, while labelling those who ask questions and adopt a critical position toward certain technologies as ‘anti-development.’ However, many new technologies come with serious potential risks. When developed by powerful groups, such innovations are initially designed to make a profit, rather than to improve social or ecological conditions in the world. These technologies may have the effect of exerting greater control over, or even harming, society and nature.
One such technology is the gene drive organism (GDO), dubbed by critics as an ‘exterminator’ technology. GDOs are created by genetically engineering a living organism and then modifying the sexual system of reproduction to force modified genes onto future generations so it spreads through the whole of a population. Unlike earlier biotechnology inventions, GDOs threaten to take the process of genetic engineering from something intended to be contained in a laboratory to a process that deliberately spreads those engineered changes throughout the environment. Should this be technically effective, the consequences are completely unknown and could be devastating to ecosystems, agriculture and other life support systems.
“A gene drive organism (GDO) is a new experimental technology designed to aggressively spread particular genetic traits2 through an entire species or population. Gene drives have currently only been developed in sexually reproducing animals and insects but could potentially be introduced into some plants and microbes, such as yeast. In the biology of normal sexual reproduction, any given trait has a 50:50 chance of being inherited by the offspring in a species. GDOs are designed to ensure that a genetic trait is preferentially forced onto subsequent generations. In this way, all offspring of a particular population and potentially the entire species, could inherit that trait.
This potentially unstoppable process of driving genes into a whole population has been called a ‘mutagenic chain reaction.’ Similar to nuclear chain reactions, a runaway mutagenic chain reaction could cause a melt-down for biological diversity.
“In French, the process is called ‘forçage génétique’ (‘genetic forcing’) which more accurately describes the process of forcing traits from one generation to the next and eventually onto a whole species.
“GDOs have been dubbed by critics as an ‘exterminator technology.’ This is for two reasons. First, it appears that the designers of the technology actively intend for GDOs to be used to eliminate species considered undesirable. Second, because some seemingly distinct species interbreed in the wild causing genes to be transferred between them, it is possible that so-called non-target species (species other than those intended) could also be threatened with extinction. If such gene transfer took place, genetic changes could spread rapidly among similar insect species. By following the logic of their inventors, GDOs are potentially a technology of mass-extinction for insects and other organisms.
1 Gene Drives turn sexual selection, natural selection and potentially even the process of evolution on its head by artificially forcing a chosen genetic modification through entire populations.
2 The most well-known gene drives have been created using a recently-developed genetic engineering technique called CRISPR.
3 Part of a family of techniques dubbed ‘gene editing’ by their proponents, CRISPR uses enzymes (biological chemicals) to cut DNA in an organism and then make changes to DNA. The GDOs created so far use CRISPR to cut open DNA and insert a gene editing capability right into a natural organism’s DNA on one of two sets of chromosomes (one set from each parent) during the process of reproduction.
4 This CRISPR mechanism now starts making the enzymes that cut the DNA in the chromosome from the other parent. In effect, the parent organism genetically engineers the child. From there, CRISPR induces the cell to copy the package of genetic traits onto the matching chromosome so that the organism will definitely pass it on to its offspring and start the forcing process again. The genes for the desired trait, such as yellow colouring, are built into the CRISPR gene-forcing mechanism that gets passed forward to the next generation. In this way, each parent genetically engineers its own child and the gene is copied forward into an ever-increasing proportion of the population with each successive genera
The actual techniques used to make gene drives, such as as CRISPR, belong to a new category of genetic engineering techniques being pushed by the biotechnology industry under the broad term ‘synthetic biology.’ ‘Classic’ genetic engineering would cut out segments of DNA from one organism and paste it into the DNA of another organism to give it a particular trait. These ‘New GM’ (or GMO 2.0) approaches attempt to change the biology of living organisms by making small cuts and artificial DNA designed by computers. Synthetic biologists try to design and construct new biological parts, devices and systems that do not currently exist in the natural world – that is, making artificial human-made DNA.
These techniques have given rise, now, to many possibilities – from creating products such as yeast grown fake vanilla flavour in a factory to gene drive organisms, which genetically manipulate the living world outside of the factory. However, all these application have the same end – to further concentrate control of resources and production, particularly in agriculture. Experiments are still largely limited to the laboratories of Europe and North America, but the scientists’ plans are to do the GDO field trials somewhere else – namely. Africa. …”
SOURCE: “Gene Drive Organisms: An introduction to a dangerous technology”. by ETC Group, co-published with Copagen, Terre à Vie, Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa and Health of Mother Earth Foundation; September 2019.
September 4, 2024 UPDATE | Release of Gene Drive Files:
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Over 1,200 emails released under open records requests reveal that the U.S. military is now the top funder and influencer behind a controversial genetic extinction technology known as “gene drives” – pumping $100 million into the field. The trove of emails, obtained via open records requests, also shed light on a $1.6 million dollar UN gene drive advocacy operation paid for by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
“Emerging Ag,” a private PR firm paid by the Gates Foundation, is working behind the scenes to stack key UN advisory processes with gene drive-friendly scientists, and has recruited ostensibly independent academics and public officials into a private collaboration to counteract proposed regulations and to resist calls by scientists and conservationists for an international moratorium. Some of those recruited entered into the UN discussions without divulging their conflicts of interest or the role that paid political consultants played in shaping their inputs.
The files, dubbed “The Gene Drive Files,” additionally cast a spotlight on the central role of the shadowy U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as the key funder now accelerating gene drive development. For example, DARPA is now revealed as the major financial backer of efforts to develop gene drive mammals (mice) that are led by a U.S. environmental NGO, although DARPA has no biodiversity conservation mission, raising questions about the defense agency’s intent. These revelations come on the heels of a public warning issued by a leading gene drive researcher Dr. Kevin Esvelt that current gene drives are too powerful to be used in conservation.
“Gene drives are a powerful and dangerous new technology and potential biological weapons that could have disastrous impacts on peace, food security and the environment, especially if misused,” said Jim Thomas of ETC Group. “The fact that gene drive development is now being primarily funded and structured by the U.S. military raises alarming questions about this entire field.”
“Gene drives could have profound global impacts, and these emails reveal a secretive attempt to game the system by gene drive proponents aiming to minimize essential regulations and oversight,” said Dana Perls of Friends of the Earth, U.S. “We need more transparency about who is influencing critical decisions about the future of global ecosystems, people’s livelihoods, or our food system.”
“In response to this news that the integrity of technical processes under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) may have been compromised, civil society groups will urgently raise the need for better disclosure of interests within a framework for addressing conflict of interest at the CBD,” said Lim Li Ching of Third World Network.
“Mosquitoes containing gene drives are being proposed for malaria control in Africa. While claiming potential health benefits, any application of such powerful technologies should be subject to the highest standards of transparency and disclosure. Sadly, this doesn’t appear to be the case. Releasing risky GM organisms into the environments of these African countries is outrageous and deeply worrying,” said Mariam Mayet, Executive Director of The African Centre for Biodiversity.
Information revealed in the Gene Drive files includes:
- The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is reported to have given approximately $100 million for gene drive research, $35 million more than previously reported. If confirmed, DARPA appears to be the largest single funder of gene drive research on the planet.
- Emerging Ag, a privately-held public relations firm, received over $1.6 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to work on gene drive topics and to focus on exerting influence on the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the key body for gene drive governance. Following calls in 2016 for a globalmoratorium on the use of gene drive technology, the CBD sought input from scientists and experts in an online forum. According to the Gene Drive Files, Emerging Ag recruited and coordinated over 65 experts, including a Gates Foundation senior official, a DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) official, and government and university scientists, in an private attempt to flood the official UN process with their coordinated inputs.
- The attempt to covertly influence the UN process online centrally involved three members of an associated UN expert committee (The Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Synthetic Biology). Two of them are from institutions that together received over $100 million in U.S. military and other funds expressly to develop and test gene drive systems. One served as “stakeholder engagement lead” for a Gene Drive development project. The Expert committee meets this week in Montreal Canada.
- The secretive JASON group of military advisors have undertaken two classified studies on genome editing and gene drives at the request of the U.S. government. The gene drive study, which included input by a Monsanto executive, focuses on hostile use of gene drives and use of gene drives in agriculture.
- DARPA is revealed to be funding a high profile UK team of researchers targeting African communities with gene drive mosquitos. This funding was not previously made public.
- The files reveal how far along the two leading gene drive teams (Target Malaria for the UK and GBIRD, based in North Carolina) have proceeded towards building gene drive organisms and are preparing for open field trials, including steps to select test sites in Australia, New Zealand, Burkina Faso, Uganda, Mali and Ghana, and to create government and community acceptance of the use of gene drives in key testing sites.
The Gene Drive Files may be accessed at: http://genedrivefiles.synbiowatch.org
The Gene Drive Files consist of records recently released in response to U.S. and Canadian open records requests. The bulk of the files are from North Carolina State University, and were released on 27 October 2017 under a request by Edward Hammond/Third World Network. The files also include records from Texas A&M University, also requested by Edward Hammond/Third World Network and released on 21 August 2017 (Request TAMU R001428). Additional records from an Access to Information request filed in Canada by ETC Group are also included at the same site.
Please take note of the information provided (readme file) on proper citation of the records.
Background on Gene Drives:
- “Gates Foundation Paid PR Firm to Secretly Stack UN Expert Process on Controversial Extinction Technology”
- “Gene Drive Files Expose Leading Role of US Military in Gene Drive Development”
- Reckless Driving: Gene drives and the end of nature
- “The Case for a Global Moratorium on Genetically-engineered Gene Drives”
For more information, see letter from civil society to the Convention on Biodiversity Executive Secretary: “Addressing conflict of interest issues in the CBD, its Protocols and subsidiary bodies,” published December 4, 2017
“… In brief, the Pentagon wants to improve the powerful gene-editing platform of humans’ artificial chromosomes (aptly abbreviated as HACS), in order to make more significant modifications to the human genome. According to the solicitation, “HACS have the capacity to contain extremely large segments of DNA, (potentially up to or surpassing 1,000,000 bp), and would therefore facilitate an extensive array of enhancements to the biology of human warfighters. Considering that this project was initiated in the year 2013, we may surmise that the progress has been made, and not only in the United States. The race of the Cold War is haunting the world once again.
“In October 2017, while addressing a gathering of university students, Russian president Vladimir Putin issued the forewarning that genetic engineering will soon lead to the creation of supersoldiers who will “fight without fear, compassion, regret, or pain.” He further suggested this dangerous scenario “might be worse than a nuclear bomb”. In light of the Pentagon’s admitted interest in “mammalian genome engineering,” it is safe to assume that Mr. Putin was not engaging in hyperbole, but alerting the world to a new arms race that has been long fermenting in the shadowy recesses of classified military projects.
“If the United States and Russia are running neck and neck in the genetic arms race, then China, who routinely disregards the rules, is many paces ahead. In 2015, Chinese scientists, took a bold step forward in genetic engineering and became the first to publicly edit the genes of a human embryo. Their actions provoked outrage from the global scientific community and urgent pleas not to make a genetically modified baby. The pleas fell on deaf ears.
“Just three years later, in 2018 a team of geneticists working at the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, China, created the first genetically modified babies. They edited the gene called CCR5 in an attempt to make babies resistant to HIV, smallpox, and cholera. The success of their experiments have yet to be determined, but it is likely that the modifications will now become inheritable by successive generations. These breaches of the ethical boundaries of scientific research were committed by the Chinese in broad daylight. Who knows what scientists working in the secret laboratories of the Peoples Liberation Army have done in the dark?
“Aside from modifying the genes of human embryos, scientists all over the world have been creating genetic chimeras by blending the DNA of various species. In 2011, the “Daily Mail” reported that scientists had secretly created more than 150 human-animal hybrid embryos. The research was made possible by the Human Fertilization Embryology Act passed in 2008, which legalized the creation of a variety of hybrids, “including an animal egg fertilized by human sperm; “cybrids”, in which human nucleus is implanted into an animal cell; and chimeras, in which human cells are mixed with animal embryos.
“In 2019, the Spanish newspaper “El Pais” published a story about a team of researchers who successfully bred monkeys with human brain cells. According to the article, the controversial project, led by Professor Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte from the Salk Institute in the United States, was conducted in China “to avoid legal issues.” The same year, Chinese scientists announced that they had engineered monkey – pig hybrids, and intended to grow human organs inside the creatures for transplantation, which immediately prompted the government of Japan to approve its first human – animal embryo experiments. Not to be outdone by the United Kingdom and China, researchers in the United States, have recently created a mouse that is four – percent human. Stories like these are now so numerous that they have ceased to illicit alarm in the public. Cross – species genetic engineering is now a main mundane fact of life.
“Genetic modification represents only one facet of the emerging GRIN technologies. Advancements in the field of robotics, artificial intelligence, and Nanotech are occurring at the same astonishing speed. In August 2020, The Independent stunned the world with the sensational headline “Ground Brealing New Material Could Allow Artificial Intelligence to Merge with the Human Brain”. The article elucidates:
“Scientists have discovered a groundbreaking biosynthetic material that they claim can be used to merge artificial intelligence with the human brain. The breakthrough, presented today at the American Chemical Society Fall 2020 Virtual EXPO, is a major step towards integrating electronics with the body to create part human, part robotic “cyborg” beings. …”
BIRTHRIGHT, Alberino, supra, pp. 265-267. PDF
EXAMPLE 2: EXCERPTS from Reviews of “Quantum Consciousness of the Linguistic-Wave Genome, THEORY AND PRACTICE” Institute of Quantum Genetics, by P.P. Gariaev First English edition April 2016. Translated, revised and enlarged from the first Russian edition: Lingvistiko-volnovoy genom: teoriya i praktika. P.P. Gariaev; Insititut Kvantovoy genetiki. – Kyiv, 2009, Edited by McCallum, Graham. First English ed. 2018. Translated by Bondarchuk, Oxana. First English ed. 2018. Copyright © P.P. Gariaev.
“I have known P.P. Gariaev since my student years, when we both studied at Moscow State University, he was in the department of Molecular Biology, and I was in the department of Embryology. Back then, we made our first attempts to understand the molecular mechanisms of zygote transformation into an adult organism. Like then, now, I am working with homeotic proteins that direct differentiation of embryonic cells and induce either apoptosis or forced differentiation of malignant cells. Their biological role is enormous, as evidenced by the work of numerous research groups around the world, as well as our experimental data. More is understood about the mechanisms of cytodifferentiation, but not everything. Publications of P.P. Gariaev and his co-authors, including his monographs "The Wave Genome" (1994) and "The Wave Genetic Code" (1997), and this, his third monograph, allow us to open new perspectives for understanding the mechanisms of embryogenesis and cell differentiation. These works are aimed to solve one key problem – to understand the functioning of the genetic apparatus. Without rejection of classical ideas, P.P. Gariaev persistently, and on a new modern platform, develops the ideas of Russian scientist Alexander Gurwitsch, about the wave nature of the chromosomes operation. Understanding the wave function of the genome is the scene of hot debate, which indirectly indicates the enormous potential value of these works. P.P. Gariaev and his colleagues have made significant theoretical and experimental contributions to this complex area of natural sciences.
“I am interested in the wave principles of chromosomes, and I resonate most with Gariaev’s ideas on morphogen functions, and especially homeotic proteins as their main component. In this monograph P.P. Gariaev lays the foundations for linguistic genetics. The starting point is an in-depth critical analysis of the basic provisions of genetics – the triplet model of the genetic code, proposed by F. Crick more than forty years ago. This model allowed us to make breakthroughs in terms of understanding the functions of the genetic apparatus of all living beings inhabiting the Earth. However, canonized by biologists, this model has become a hindrance for the development toward a deeper understanding of genome function, as was demonstrated by P.P. Gariaev and his co-authors.
“Logical consequence of this theoretical analysis of the genetic code resulted in a profound statement that DNA, RNA and proteins represent texts, not in a metaphorical sense (as it was essentially postulated earlier) but texts in a real sense. Multiple studies led to this idea, this includes the works done by P.P. Gariaev and his co-authors that made comparative mathematic-linguistic analysis of the texts of DNA
genes and human speech, independent of the language used to create the texts.
“Key arguments lie in the in-depth theoretical and practical analysis of the genetic code model that led to the conclusion that the genome on the level of synthesis and application of DNA-RNA-protein texts, is actually a quantum biocomputer. This idea cardinally changes our
understanding of protein functions, especially of the cerebral cortex proteins as correlates of consciousness and intellect. Biochemistry, involving proteins, plays a leading role in the function of the organism now may and must be understood as an intelligent quasi-speech biosystem control. The role of homeotic proteins in embryogenesis, as factors of intelligent organization of the developing embryo, becomes clear. Any
fundamental idea in this area is of great interest and requires further experimental and theoretical development.
Hopyorskaya O.A. Ph.D. in Biology
“In the book "Wave Genome. Theory and Practice" P.P. Gariaev touches upon the fundamental questions of the genetic code related to the structure, function, and, if I may say so, "origin" of chromosomal DNA. It is clear how far we are from complete disclosure of all the secrets of genetic code, however, the ideas of Prof. Gariaev and his colleagues, give us an opportunity to see absolutely new perspectives of operation of the chromosome apparatus in living cells, in particular, a new scientific and practical direction, which could be called "genetic-wave navigation and regulation in biosystems".
“This new direction is introducedby the author within the framework of theoretical models, confirmed by his own research and independent experimental research. The quantum component of genetic cell operation is of extreme importance. It is clear, that metabolism of cells, tissues, and organisms as a whole, which is extreme in its complexity and scale, needs some regulation. The author introduces a new substantial idea of genetic quantum biocomputing.
“Such an approach is of interest to optical-radio electronics, radio technology, computing, navigation and management systems. Moreover, wave mechanisms of cell operation directly relate to nanoelectronics. Living organisms clearly demonstrate examples of nanobiotechnologies, effectively utilizing their own wave biocomputer regulation on nanostructures such as enzymes, ribosomes, mitochondria, membranes, cytoskeletons and chromosomes.
“Nanotechnological mechanisms of cell operation and their genetic apparatus, need theoretical and biological consideration, and physical mathematical analysis to develop, amongst other things, not known before, principally new laser-radio wave technologies for genetic regulation of multicellular organism metabolism. Application of such
technologies by Gariaev’s team has produced impressive results. The author has correctly and comprehensively demonstrated remote (over many kilometers) wave transmission of directive genetic information from
a Donor (living tissue) to the Recipient (organism). Until recently such transmission was considered to be principally impossible; now this is a fundamental fact.
“Now we have found the opportunity to build completely new
unique molecular-optical-radio-electronic equipment that should be able to perform complex navigation-regulatory functions for positive control of genetic-physiological functions in organisms. The task for the creation of the genetic laser is under investigation. Proof of laser pumping of DNA and chromosomes in vitro was demonstrated and published by Prof. Gariaev and his colleagues in 1996 and was confirmed by Japanese researchers in 2002.
“Such a laser will perform many previously unknown
functions of the genetic apparatus to solve many problems in biology, medicine and agriculture. Other opportunities for this work is application of the coherent states and radiation of living cells and their information structures for developing biocomputers, based on the principles of holography, solitonics, and quantum nonlocality. In fact, the prototype of such a biocomputer was created by Gariaev’s team that allowed the collection of unique results on quantum gene transmission and remote wave genetic bioregulation. Chromosome laser and biocomputer application is not limited by the aforementioned, and extends beyond the
biosystem’s limits - to space communication, regulation of super complex technical processes, aircraft navigation, etc.
“This book points out a number of unresolved problems, including the investigation of DNA wave replicas and laser-radio wave processes during scanning and transmission of quantum biological information from donor to recipient.
“I believe that the publication of P.P. Gariaev’s monograph will
promote further investigation of one of the divine mysteries - mysteries of the genetic code and will lead to the application of new ideas for the benefit of the Humanity.
V.A. Matveyev
Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Professor of Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman,
Dean of the Faculty "Information and Management Systems",
Honored Scientist of Russia,
Laureate of Prizes of the Russian Government and the City of Moscow
“What characterizes today’s genetics and molecular biology? No doubt, it is the great progress in methodology and research technical equipment. An expensive and long-standing "Human Genome Project" is a good example of this. This program helped to discover the sequence of the
3 billion letters in human chromosomal DNA. This is, certainly, a wonderful event. However, one would expect much more out of such a titanic work. Why is it so?
“In the first part of his monograph P.P. Gariaev makes a long-
awaited, deep, and most importantly, honest theoretical analysis of the actual causes for the failure of this program. The causes, oddly enough, are found in the biologists conventional canonized genetic code model.
Relying on pure logic and on a great experimental work of the huge global scientific community, the author leads the reader to believe that in reality only a small part of the functions of the genetic apparatus is known and understood. The model of the genetic code, developed by Noble Prize
Laureate F. Crick, is incomplete. ‘The model does not fully explain some of Crick’s own postulates’, - Gariaev says.
“These postulates (the so-called ‘wobble hypothesis’) are very
important in order to understand rules of nucleotide pairing during anticodon-codon recognition in the process of protein biosynthesis.
Following ‘the rules of ‘wobble hypothesis’ we see another (previously missing) fundamental characteristic of the genetic code – its homonymy, - Gariaev states. This is the second vector of degeneracy of the triplet code (Synonymy is the first vector of degeneracy), i.e., the code’s unambiguity
for selection of different codons was detected immediately. It is well understood and well-examined in the functions of isoacceptor transfer RNA (tRNA). Homonymy is about the code’s ambiguity of the first identical two nucleotides in these codons. The third nucleotide’s "wobble" (the 3rd nucleotide may be any of the 4 bases) and that is why they are not
involved in the coding of amino acids. In other words, the ribosome reads the messenger RNA according to the "Two-out-of-Three" Rule.
In 1978, this was found by Swedish researcher, Ulf Lagerkvist, but then, disregarded by the scientific community. It is obvious, that when a ribosome follows this rule, it creates the ambiguity in homonymous codon reading. For this reason, there is a risk of selecting the wrong amino acid or a stop codon. This can lead to incorrect protein synthesis and death of the organism.
However, the synthesis of proteins is a very accurate process. Why do ribosomes never fail and make a mistake? Experiments indicate that the protein synthesizing cellular apparatus uses the linguistic mechanism of
context orientations for correct ribosome reading of the homonymous codon.
“This brings up the question (which Gariaev raises too): is the term “reading" relating to ribosome reading (in a complex with transfer RNA) of messenger RNA a metaphor (as is considered in genetics) or an intellectual process, actual reading and understanding? One can assign an accurate
meaning to a homonym, only if one understands the meaning of entire text (the context). So, does it mean that a cellular ribosomal apparatus reads and understands the RNA in non-metaphorical sense? A definite answer to this question is a stumbling block. It is not easy for biologists to accept the idea of quasi-consciousness, quasi-intellect of the genome.
“Gariaev thoroughly analyzes this theoretical and in the larger sense, philosophical dead-end, and defines a genetic and biological role for homonymous degeneracy of the triplet code. According to Gariaev, the codes homonymy is a factor which takes the ribosomal apparatus operation, and the entire cell, to a quasi-consciosness level, and hence, to other multi-dimensional semantic realms.
“In fact, the case of coded effectsof mRNA contexts is retroactively recognized by molecular biology as a "second genetic code", without any explanation of what kind of code it is. Here, the author explains and demonstrates the significance of homonymy with the example of a global danger of reckless use of transgenic manipulation with chromosomes in genetically modified foods. What
namely do transgenic "engineers" do?
“They introduce foreign protein genes into the chromosomes of organisms, and this automatically changes the genetic contexts. This leads to misunderstanding of homonymous
codons and incorrect transposition (e.g. jumps) of ribosomes on the mRNA. This leads to distortion of the second (linguistic, according to Gariaev) genetic code.
“As a result, erroneous proteins with abnormal functions are synthesized. There are formidable and global warnings: such transgenic manipulations are already leading to the extinction of honeybees in the United States. The bees collect and feed themselves with nectar and pollen from transgenic crops – this is a reason, and probably the main one, for their death. ‘Is Human population next?’ - asks Gariaev.
“Misunderstanding of the second genetic code mechanisms, misunderstanding of the real (non-metaphorical) linguistic nature of DNA leads not only to the misinterpretation of proteins biosynthesis but also of embryogenesis, and this is not less dangerous than the curse of "transgene magic".
“Gariaev’s theoretical studies are not limited by the critical analysis of the triplet code model, they go further, to the quantum mechanisms of chromosomes. This part of the theoretical work is performed by Gariaev in close collaboration with major physicists and mathematicians from the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University, Institute of Control Sciences named after V.A. Trapeznikov, Russian Academy of Sciences, and foreign scientists from Canada, England, Germany and Austria. All this laid the foundation for the consideration of chromosome operations as a quantum biocomputer.
“To Gariaev and his co-authors, genomic quantum computing
applies the principles of chromosomes coherent radiation, the principles of bioholography and quantum nonlocality of genetic information. The experimental part of the monograph confirms the theoretical ideas of the author and his colleagues, the most important of which is that
genetic information may exist and work in a form of physical fields, from photon level to radio wave level.
“The author and his associates conducted experimental research in this field in Russia and Canada. They were the first in the world, who performed remote (over many kilometers) transmission of wave genetic information for regeneration of the pancreas in animals and discovered the phenomenon of wave immunity. This monography contributes to, and clearly demonstrates that genetics and molecular biology need to transcend to a significantly higher level of development, moreover, it contributes to this transcendence.
V.N. Volchenko, Ph.D.
Professor of Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman,
Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Forward (2011) – To This Primer
Albert Einstein defined “Coincidence” as ‘God's way of remaining anonymous’.
This eBook was conceived and is written as an outgrowth of the novel, ReGenesis, a Galilean Manner of Speech (2nd Ed. 2011, ReGenesis, a Galilean Manner of Speech - eBook Download). During the research of ReGenesis, and subsequently during the development of the on-line Cyber-Bridge Video and PDF support resources for readers of ReGenesis,
I became aware of the need for a primer which describes a growing understanding of a relationship between water, structured water, DNA, disease and healing. I had found during the research that there are essentially two forms of information out there on structured water: (i) highly technical peer reviewed papers that are difficult to discern for the layperson, and (ii) commercialized information which is designed to “sell” a structured water device or structured water itself. I concluded, while helpful, it was not a complete picture of the story of structured water and how our understanding of it has advanced in just the 10 years leading up to 2011. In “Integrative Medicine to Tackle the Problem of Chronic Diseases, Journal of Ayurveda & Integrative Medicine -January 2010 -Vol 1 -Issue 1, Professor
Rustum Roy wrote:
“It is almost proverbial to state that, with almost 20% of the average citizen’s life spent chronically ill, the American dream is now marred by poor quality of life in old age. At the cost of enormous research efforts in many countries in the last 50 years, medical science has won major extensions of lifespan, but these are all but negated by the failure to tackle the chronic disease problem. The prospect of spending an average 16 years out of a four score year life expectancy in pain and misery is not pleasant to say the least. ...
In the US, the coauthor of ‘Critical: What We Can Do About the Health Care Crisis’ former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, in concert with President Barack Obama, has stated that ‘To make affordable healthcare available to the 45 million Americans without health insurance, we must address fundamental causes of health and illness, and provide incentives for healthy ways of living rather than reimbursing only drugs and surgery’. Their declaration points the way to a new approach to healthcare involving prevention, rather than waiting for the individual to fall sick. President Obama’s election campaign Health Plan openly acknowledged that the US is suffering a huge chronic disease epidemic. In proposing a preventive medicine remedy for the crisis, it emphasized, ‘An increasing number of Americans are suffering and dying needlessly from diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, asthma and HIV/AIDS, all of which can be delayed in onset if not prevented entirely’.”
Roughly three quarters of U.S. healthcare costs arise from five of the most costly diseases. We all can agree there is a significant problem globally and governments seem disturbed but ineffective in addressing it. A high proportion of that 75% is now known to be preventable by changes in behavior which includes patient perception, patient knowledge of new treatment modalities, the placebo effect, digital biology and homeopathy, energy medicine and much, much more. A recent health care summit held in Washington DC, brought together people from the pharmaceutical, insurance, and medical treatment sectors, to discuss ways to stem the tide of spiraling health care costs, which is now around $2.4 trillion annually, and add more than 46 million people to health care, at an estimated additional $634 billion over the next ten years, through 2019.
What do most people do when their homes are invaded by insects (ants, roaches, flies or termites, etc.) they believe may harm them or cause damage to property; with economic effects? They sprays poisons to eradicate them.
What do many farmers do when they observe crop losses due to insect predation. They spray their crops with poisons.
There is a point to both those questions. As mentioned above, in my formal educational years at Dartmouth College, I worked closely with Dr. Gordon J. F. MacDonald, who was Chairman of the department at the time as well as Chairman of the JASON advisory group (Washington, DC). A second close mentor was Dr. Donella Meadows, who had recently authored a book entitled: “Limits to Growth, A REPORT FOR THE CLUB OF ROME'S PROJECT ON THE PREDICAMENT OF MANKIND” (1972)
I say close mentors, as I worked with both professors on two long-term environmental impact statement projects with them spanning two or more years.
And during that same time, I became very aware of exponential growth, and how politicians, social engineers, and scientists “react”; or do not react, to exponential growth of a population of people and the commensurate growth of any or all “problems” … such as health care cost increases.
“… The exponential growth curve of world population is shown in figure 5. In 1650 the population numbered about 0.5 billion, and it was growing at a rate of approximately 0.3 percent per year.1 That corresponds to a doubling time of nearly 250 years. In 1970 the population totaled 3.6 billion and the rate of growth was 2.1 percent per year.2 The doubling time at this growth rate is 33 years. Thus, not only has the population been grow- ing exponentially, but the rate of growth has also been growing. We might say that population growth has been "super"- exponential; the population curve is rising even faster than it would if growth were strictly exponential… “
Consider the “Limits to Growth” rice and lily pond examples of exponential growth, and how it applies to health care of a population, when politicians, social engineers, economists, and scientists perceive a causal connection between exponential growth of a population and a related problem of exponential rises in health care costs.
… There is an old Persian legend about a clever courtier who presented a beautiful chessboard to his king and requested that the king give him in return 1 grain of rice for the first square on the board, 2 grains for the second square, 4 grains for the third, and so forth. The king readily agreed and or- dered rice to be brought from his stores. The fourth square of the chessboard required 8 grains, the tenth square took 512 grains, the fifteenth required 16,384, and the twenty-first square gave the courtier more than a million grains of rice. By the fortieth square a million million rice grains had to be brought from the storerooms. The king's entire rice supply was exhausted long before he reached the sixty-fourth square. Exponential increase is deceptive because it generates immense numbers very quickly.
A French riddle for children illustrates another aspect of exponential growth-the apparent suddenness with which it approaches a fixed limit. Suppose you own a pond on which a water lily is growing. The lily plant doubles in size each day. If the lily were allowed to grow unchecked, it would com- pletely cover the pond in 30 days, choking off the other forms of life in the water. For a long time the lily plant seems small, and so you decide not to worry about cutting it back until it covers half the pond. On what day will that be? On the twenty-ninth day, of course. You have one day to save your pond.”
Consequently “Health Crisis: Solved – ‘The DNA and Structured Water Interfaces.’” was conceived to provide a layperson with the ability to understand the past and current evolution of scientific knowledge concerning the existence of and importance of structured water in biological systems and ultimately hydration. The ramifications of a complete understanding of hydration “with structured water” upon human health en masse and resolving the global Health Crisis cannot be overstated.
SUMMARY: Gerald Pollack: Electrically Structured Water | EU2013
This video is a lecture by Dr. Gerald Pollack at the EU2013 conference, discussing the concept of electrically structured water, also known as Exclusion Zone (EZ) water. Pollack explains how this structured water forms, its unique properties, and its implications for various scientific and biological processes.25Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.
Overall Summary
Dr. Gerald Pollack's lecture delves into the discovery and exploration of a fourth phase of water beyond the commonly known solid, liquid, and vapor phases. This phase, referred to as Exclusion Zone (EZ) water, is structured water that forms near hydrophilic surfaces and is charged with negative ions. Pollack highlights the unique properties of EZ water, such as its ability to exclude solutes, its crystalline structure, and its capacity to store energy from light, particularly infrared light. The lecture connects these properties to various natural and biological phenomena, suggesting that EZ water plays a crucial role in many processes, from cloud formation to blood circulation. Pollack also discusses potential applications of EZ water, including energy generation, water purification, and improving health.
- 🌊 Exclusion Zone (EZ) Water: Pollack introduces EZ water, a structured form of water that builds up next to hydrophilic surfaces, expelling solutes and forming a negatively charged zone.
- 🔋 Water as a Battery: EZ water can store energy from light, especially infrared light, effectively turning water into a kind of battery that can drive various processes.
- ⚛️ Molecular Structure: The structure of EZ water is distinct from regular bulk water, resembling a liquid crystal with a honeycomb-like configuration of H3O2 molecules.
- 🧲 Charge Separation: Pollack explains how EZ water creates a zone of negative charge, balanced by a positive charge in the surrounding water, leading to a potential difference that can drive current flow.
- ☁️ Natural Phenomena: The lecture suggests that EZ water may help explain phenomena such as cloud formation, sandcastle stability, and the low friction of ice.
- 🦶 Biological Implications: EZ water may play a role in various biological functions, including joint lubrication and rapid swelling in injured tissues.
- 💡 Energy Absorption: Pollack emphasizes that EZ water absorbs radiant energy from its surroundings, which may influence biological and chemical processes on a fundamental level.
- 🌍 Applications: Potential applications include using EZ water for renewable energy, water purification, and health treatments, leveraging its unique properties.
- 📚 Scientific Paradigm Shift: The findings on EZ water challenge conventional views in chemistry and biology, suggesting the need for a reevaluation of how water's role is understood in these fields.
- 🔬 Future Research: Pollack calls for further exploration into the practical uses of EZ water, particularly in energy production and health science.
- Introduction to EZ Water: Pollack introduces a fourth phase of water, known as Exclusion Zone (EZ) water, which forms near hydrophilic surfaces and excludes solutes, creating a negatively charged region.
- Formation and Properties: EZ water forms when water molecules near a surface organize into a structured, liquid crystalline state. This zone is more viscous, absorbs UV light, and has a different molecular composition (H3O2) than bulk water.
- Energy Storage: EZ water can store energy from light, particularly infrared, making it a potential source of free energy in various applications.
- Charge Separation: The structured water in the EZ creates a zone of negative charge, balanced by positive charges in the surrounding water, effectively acting as a battery that can drive electrical currents.
- Natural Phenomena: Pollack suggests that EZ water helps explain phenomena like cloud formation, sandcastle stability, and the low friction of ice, all of which involve charge separation and structured water.
- Biological Functions: EZ water is implicated in several biological processes, such as joint lubrication, where it prevents direct contact between bones, and rapid tissue swelling in injuries.
- Implications for Health: Pollack hints at the potential health benefits of EZ water, noting that it may improve biological functions and suggesting its role in energy transfer within the body.
- Applications in Energy and Purification: The lecture discusses the potential of EZ water in generating electrical energy, purifying drinking water, and even desalinating seawater, all by harnessing the properties of structured water.
- Challenging Existing Science: Pollack’s findings challenge existing scientific paradigms, especially in chemistry and biology, where the role of water may need to be reconsidered.
- Future Directions: The lecture concludes with a call for further research into the practical applications of EZ water, particularly in renewable energy and health science.
PART TWO Coming Soon …
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