“Article Review and Practical Applications Of:
“The DNA-wave Biocomputer”. Peter P. Gariaev*, Boris I. Birshtein*, Alexander M. Iarochenko*, Peter J. Marcer**, George G. Tertishny*, Katherine A. Leonova*, Uwe Kaempf ***.* Institute Control of Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia gariaev@aha.ru , http://www.aha.ru/~gariaev , and Wave Genetics Inc. 87 Scollard Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5R 1G4, gariaev@wavegenetics.com , **53 Old Vicarage Green, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 2DH, UK, petermarcer@aikido.freeserve.co.uk , http://www.bcs.org.uk/cybergroup.htm . .
*** Institut f. Klinische, Diagnostische und Differentielle Psychologie- Am Falkenbrunnen - D-01062 Dresden TU, Dresden, Germany, uwe@psy1.psych.tu-dresden.de
Collated and Assembled by : Jeffrey Thayer August 2024.
NOTICE TO READERS: I have been following the works of the Gariaev group since the mid to late 90s. What is provided below is a collation from a group of sources online dealing with the subject matter. In the quoted text, health claims are made which have not been verified by myself. As to each such claim, readers must investigate them independently, and for any health decision, readers must consult their own physicians.
Rollin McCraty, Ph. D. Mike Atkinson, and Tomasino, in a 2003 study calledModulation of DNA Conformation by Heart-Focused Intention shows that physical aspects of DNA strands could be influenced by human intention.
“This paper reports experimental work carried out in Moscow at the Institute of Control Sciences, Wave Genetics Inc. and theoretical work from several sources. This work changes the notion about the genetic code essentially. It asserts: -
1) That the evolution of biosystems has created genetic "texts", similar to natural context dependent texts in human languages, shaping the text of these speech-like patterns.
2) That the chromosome apparatus acts simultaneously both as a source and receiver of these genetic texts, respectively decoding and encoding them, and
3) That the chromosome continuum of multicellular organisms is analogous to a static- dynamical multiplex time-space holographic grating, which comprises the space-time of an organism in a convoluted form.That is to say, the DNA action, theory predicts and which experiment confirms, i) is that of a "gene-sign" laser and its solitonic electro-acoustic fields, such that the gene-biocomputer "reads and understands" these texts in a manner similar to human thinking, but at its own genomic level of "reasoning". It asserts that natural human texts (irrespectively of the language used), and genetic "texts" have similar mathematical- linguistic and entropic-statistic characteristics, where these concern the fractality of the distribution of the character frequency density in the natural and genetic texts, and where in case of genetic "texts", the characters are identified with the nucleotides, and ii) that DNA molecules, conceived as a gene-sign continuum of any biosystem, are able to form holographic pre-images of biostructures and of the organism as a whole as a registry of dynamical "wave copies" or "matrixes”, succeeding each other. This continuum is the measuring, calibrating field for constructing its biosystem.”. SOURCE:
Keywords: DNA, wave-biocomputer, genetic code, human language, quantum holography.
INTRODUCTION: “A well known story about the famous plant breeder Luther Burbank, who talked to an edible cactus and persuaded to hide its long spines, now had continued. The Russian scientist Dr. Peter Garyaev brings evidence that plants are able to react to human speech and execute requests. He developed an electromagnetic generator transforming speech into signals perceived by plants and instructing them what to do. Using this device, Dr. Garyaev helped wheat and barley grains to survive after lethal ionizing radiation. Worked with tens of thousands plants, and statistic treatment of experimental data demonstrated absolute reliability of the results obtained. It becomes a direct evidence of genetic potential of the human speech.” SOURCE:
The history of wave genetics has been developing for more than 80 years. In 20s and 30s of the last century Russian scientists, A G Gurwitsch and A A Lubishev postulated that not only does genetical apparatus of living organisms on the Earth operate at material, physical level but also at certain waves/fields level and is able to transfer genetic data/information via electromagnetic (EM) and acoustic waves.
The science has recently taken a major leap in its advancements of the theory and reproducible experiments and thus the theory of wave genome has been put forward. One of the first attempts to rationalize and expound the wave genome theory in Russia had been made by P P Gariaev and A A Berezin from the department of Theoretical Matters of Russian Academy of Science, and also with participation of A A Vaciliev, a fellow member of Institute of Physics of Russian Academy of Science. As a theoretical foundation, principles of coherent physical radiations, holography and solitons, theory of physical vacuum, fractal representation of DNA and human verbal expression/speech have been employed to describe and substantiate the empirical results obtained through many experiments conducted.
The quintessence of the wave genome theory may be represented as following: genome of the highest organisms is considered to be a bio-computer which forms the space-time grid framework of a bio-systems. In that bio-system, as the carriers of a field epi-gene-matrix - wave fronts are being used, which are assigned by gene-holograms and so-called solitons on DNA -- distinct type of acoustic and electromagnetic fields, produced by biogenetic apparatus of the organism/bio-system under consideration and being a medium of strategic regulatory data/information exchange between cells, tissues and organs of the bio-system. It is also vital to note that the holographic grids/frameworks, which are also the elements of fluctuating structures of solitons, are, in fact, discrete simplest cases of code-originated information, anchored in chromosome continuum of an organism. SOURCE: http://www.rexresearch.com/gajarevpatents/garyaev2.html
“Human DNA is Changing”. SOURCE:
“Many people have mistakenly believed that the DNA with which we are born is the sole determinant for who we are and will become, but scientists have understood for decades that this genetic determinism is a flawed theory.” SOURCE: https://vlnovagenetika.cz/en/heartmath-institute-heart-intelligence/
The Electromagnetic Field Changes According to Emotions
- For instance, did you know that your heart emits electromagnetic fields that change according to your emotions, or that the human heart has a magnetic field that can be measured up to several feet away from the human body?
- Did you know that positive emotions create physiological benefits in your body, and that you can boost your immune system by conjuring up positive emotions?
- Did you know that negative emotions can create nervous system chaos, and that positive emotions do the complete opposite?
- Did you know that the heart has a system of neurons that have both short term and long term memory, and that their signals sent to the brain can affect our emotional experiences?
- Did you know that in fetal development, the heart forms and starts beating before the brain is developed?
- Did you know that a mother’s brainwaves can synchronize to her baby’s heartbeats?
- Did you know that the heart sends more information to the brain than vice versa?
All these facts, published research papers and more can be found at https://www.heartmath.org/.
“Wave Genetics Can Cure Any Disease” - Dr. Peter Garyaev
“This video contains some mind-boggling information, it will change the way you perceive the world around you, the way you think about yourself and your life.
In this video you will learn about professor Peter Garyaev and his groundbreaking theory of wave genetics. Basically, professor Peter Garyaev has the keys to your immortality. Wave genetics enables us to find cures for all kinds of diseases and conditions, to regenerate organs and to make us generally healthier and to help us live longer and better.
VIDEO embedded above from this LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EH62MfJNUyQ
And Peter Garyaev has proven that he is capable of doing magical stuff. In one of his dazzling wave genetics experiments he induced a complete recovery of the pancreases of laboratory rats. The core basis of the treatment based on wave genetics is to expose you to the waves of encoded information. Professor Peter Garyaev uses biological quantum computers to transcribe your genetic information, the data contained in your DNA. Then, this information is encoded into sound waves and recorded on a DVD. You listen to this DVD once in a while, and when you do, it affects you — it makes you immortal.
The unique sound of your DNA will cure all of your diseases, will help you regenerate your organs and will help you avoid the process of getting older, the process of aging.”.
Theoretical-experimental substantiation of principles of lingvistiko-wave genetics. Our core work (articles about 150).
1. Garyaev P., Vnuchkova V.a., Šelepina G.a., Commissioners., 1994,
Verbal-semantic modulation resonances of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam as a methodology of command and the figurative system of genome. Russian Journal of physical thought., N1-4, c. 17-28.
2. Peter P. Gariaev, Boris I. Birshtein, Alexander M. Iarochenko, Peter J. Marcer, George G. Tertishny, Katherine A. Leonova, Uwe Kaempf ., 2001, The DNA-wave biocomputer. “CASYS” – International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems (ed. D.M.Dubois), Liege, Belgium, v.10, pp.290-310. On materials of my speech in London.
3. Gariaev P. P., What And. A., Mukhina And. In the., Leonova-Garjaeva (E). A., What N. G. "Influence of modulated electromagnetic radiation on biostrukturami for alloksanovogo of diabetes mellitus in rats" // BJeBiM, 2007, t. 143, № 2., page. 197-199.
4. Garyaev P., 2009, Lingvistiko-wave gene. Theory and practice. 220with. Kiev. (3-I monograph).
5. Dr. Garyaev P.p., Thorns G.i., 2016, Theoretical and experimental foundations of Lingvistiko-wave genetics. Not published.
6. Garyaev P., 2016, Statement on radio slavyanskiy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = DJDN9HWyqBQ&feature=youtu.be
A short list of examples of our practical use lingvistiko-wave genetics, based on listed 6 paragraphs.
1. Regeneration pojeludochnykh glands in experimental animals (rat) at a distance 20 km. from telecasting running genetic information quantum generator (Toronto, 2002g.). Independently reproduced in theses n. There in 2012. in Nizhny Novgorod. Approved By The WAC. Dissertation on medicine on the topic "the impact of low-intensity electromagnetic radiation for acute insulin insufficiency in rats". 005013322/ A manuscript. WHAT NIKOLAY GRIGOREVICH. EFFECT OF LOW-INTENSITY ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION FOR ACUTE INSULIN INSUFFICIENCY IN RATS (experimental study) 14.03.03 pathological physiology. The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of medical sciences. Нижний Новгород 2012.
2. Precedent: Human spinal cord regeneration. An official medical report. Johannesburg. 2016y.. Patient Matthew Cohen. Damaged spinal cord. Complete paralysis during 12 years. Applied quantum method of programming your own mesenchymal stem cells the patient followed by them in the bloodstream within 2 years. As a result, the patient returned motor activity. He leads the car, business leads, has an Office. Official honey. Conclusion:
http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?Act = Attach & type = post & id = 273538(original)
http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?Act = Attach & type = post & id = 273539(translation)
Other examples of, such as retinal regeneration from vosstanovvlenie of view etc. lists in :
as well as feedback from people, cured of incurable diseases our technologies.
Practical examples of successful application of the principles lingvistiko-wave genetics they say: 1) about the reality of existence and operation of the waveforms of genetic information, 2) about, that gene has a text entity with the rudiments of a quasi consciousness at the level of chromosome nanobiokomp'jutinga, 3) about, that, realizing this, We are entering other dimensions of genetic information, to enable us to operate with administering senses Geno-DNA and their quantum equivalents, as well as holograms chromosome continuum, Designer Spaces-Time construction of the Biosystems.
This all-new soft factors, not invasive quantum strategic functions of the human body and the whole biota.
Dr. Garyaev P.p.,
D.b.s., rans, RAMTN and LIST,
Member Of New York Academy Of Sciences,
Director Of "Institute Of Quantum Genetics".
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