Saturday, August 3, 2024

Review | Of “Some Aspects of Wave Gene Transmission | Simulation Hypothesis


“Review of Article of Peter Gariaev ‘Some Aspects of Wave Gene Transmission’ (2015) | Implications within ‘The Simulation Hypothesis’ for 2024” by Jeffrey Thayer.

As articles go, the following is not a long one, but some readers may wish to skip to the conclusion at the bottom of the article; and perhaps work backward in order to determine whether the subject matter is of interest. A number of recommendations to so-called science fiction books and videos of well-know films (and TV series) are provided at the bottom of this article. These may enhance the experience for reading the article. 

INTRODUCTION.  Inspiration for this article today was taken from this excellent science video describing light, sound, perceptions, holography, retrocausality, and frequencies; being a reflected “shadow” of our nature which we label “reality”.  The video is a useful segue to this Review of Peter Gariaev’s article “Some Aspects of Wave Gene Transmission” (2015).

ABSTRACT:  This work introduces and describes the process in one type of helium-neon laser with two orthogonal optical modes. These modes can record polarized modulations of scanned biological structures in the recording regime of the traveling intensity waves (TIW) holograms. This process is used to model recording and distant transmission of wave genetic information.


As with other reviews of articles at our site, reading the entire article by Peter Gariaev is highly recommended to readers.  In the CONCLUSION to this Review, readers are provided some intriguing links to books, authors, films and TV series which incorporated “The Simulation Hypothesis” into the story line.  What was labeled science fiction 20-40 years ago … is simply science today.

“… TIW Hologram Manifestation:  Let us recall what a traveling intensity wave is about. In 1974-1978 the attention of Yury Nikolaevich Denisyuk was drawn to the possibilities for recording moving objects using a new nonlinear-optical class of recording media, which allowed simultaneous dynamic recording and reading of information about an object without stabilization of the traveling interference patterns.  Yury Nikolaevich reviewed the most common reflection properties of a new class of holograms - dynamic holograms with the recording in cubic nonlinear media.

This review led to his prediction of a surprising property of dynamic holograms of a moving object – the automatic focusing of radiation on the object and forecasting of its position in space, determined by its current speed [27, 28]. …

[COMMENT:  The dates of 1974-1978 speak rather emphatically to the observation in the introduction and the conclusion of this Review: that is, that what we might’ve considered Science Fiction in a public sense at that timeframe, may not have been fiction at all. That same observation may or may not be true with respect to what is discussed in this Review.  

Readers are encouraged to make up their own mind and to conduct their own independent research.  previous post, I recently disclosed a mentor of mine at Dartmouth College, with whom I had a mentor and close personal relationship with named:  Dr. Gordon J.F. McDonald. He mentored me in the environmental sciences department at Dartmouth College between 1972-76. When readers read the links below at Wikipedia; to both Dr. McDonald and JASONS advisory group, you may learn the types of research that was being done at that time frame; and which was largely unknown to the public; as well as students such as myself. I was aware of some of it, but nowhere near what is listed in the Wikipedia entry for the JASONS.  

I became very aware of the extent of “pure science” versus “applied science” studies, and disputes between JASON’s scientists from reading Anne Finkbeiner‘s book: “The  Jasons, The Secret History of Science’s, Postwar Elite” (2006).

Wikipedia | JASONS advisory group: 

Wikipedia | Gordon J.F. MacDonald: 

“The  Jasons, The Secret History of Science’s, Postwar Elite” (2006):  Available at Amazon and also free for online reading here: ]

THE GARIAEV ARTICLE CONTINUES:  “… In conventional holography there is a common property: during reconstruction of a hologram not only the main image of the object is created, but also a second, pseudoscopic, "virtual" image of the original is created.  And as a rule, this "virtual" image is considered to be interfering and parasitic.

Therefore, it is being fought in every way, as if it is taking energy from the useful "real" image of the original. This is not the case in TIW holograms. It has been proven

experimentally that in TIW holograms the spectral composition of the pseudoscopic ("virtual") image radiation is distorted in accordance with the law of Doppler Effect. 

And thus, the virtual image radiation does not affect the structure of the TIW hologram. What does this mean in practice?

This means that although a dimensional material dynamic standing waves system (the model of the object capable of recording and reconstructing any real objects) is generated, it is not able to create an “virtual” image. At first, they assumed that in TIW holography no medium was able to reproduce a subtle, high-frequency oscillation of intensity. However, this was a mistake.

Moreover, it was found that any oscillations are reproducible. But the most important thing was the fact that the TIW hologram began to generate only one image, identical to the original object.

The "virtual" image is always automatically suppressed (self-extinguished) and the "real" beam (Ax ) is always amplified [27].

Therefore, eventually, only the information image, encoding the biosystem is dominant, which, as we have already noted is fully reconciled with the real biosystem. This means that the real biological system receives as if amplified, a double information “framework”. And thus biosystem receives a powerful energy-information feed and a direct opportunity for supplementary correction of its structure, if we possess the appropriate technology. Not considered here is the specific content of such supplementary correction.


[COMMENT:  This observation about “correction” cannot be overlooked nor should it be underestimated.  It bears directly upon corrections in the video at the beginning of this Review, and observations made within a concerning retrocausality.  “Error correcting codes” are a significant and rapidly growing field of science:

“… But in the dogged pursuit of these codes over the past quarter-century, a funny thing happened in 2014, when physicists found evidence of a deep connection between quantum error correction and the nature of space, time and gravity. In Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity, gravity is defined as the fabric of space and time — or “space-time” — bending around massive objects. (A ball tossed into the air travels along a straight line through space-time, which itself bends back toward Earth.) But powerful as Einstein’s theory is, physicists believe gravity must have a deeper, quantum origin from which the semblance of a space-time fabric somehow emerges. …”. SOURCE:  “How Space and Time Could Be a Quantum Error-Correcting Code” By NATALIE WOLCHOVER, January 3, 2019: 

To pass on the code of life to the next cell, DNA copies itself. This process is called replication.  Much is made of the mutations, or errors in DNA replication. Evolutionary theory relies in part on these mutations to explain the development of the dramatic diversity of nature; however, what is most dramatic about DNA is not its errors but its accuracy. Many levels of proofreading and error correction ensure near-perfect fidelity in replication. …”. SOURCE:  Evolution |DNA Proofreading, Correcting Mutations during Replication, Cellullar Self Directed Engineering” by Jon Lieff, MD,(2012).  


THE GARIAEV ARTICLE CONTINUES:  However, the semantic content of this phenomenon (in our case) can be expressed as in the Bible: "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness..." (Genesis. 1:26).

Another experiment on our same laser system may have interesting and significant consequences. If in the course of the experiment the original irradiated bio-sample is removed from the adjustment bench, then everything will remain unchanged for a while, because the real object will be fully substituted by its full holographic copy, which informationally and physically cannot be distinguished from the original. In this regard there are not only direct experimental facts within wave genetics (phantom images) [32, 33], but purely physical analogues, implemented at the atomic level, as was described, for example, in paper [24].  Phantom phenomena can be illustrated in a different way [37], if we see this as follows. We observe (or it seems to us) the manifestation of something that is not physical (or is not present in reality). 

For example, we can record on a hologram an ordinary optical lens, and then, after a chemical treatment or manifestation of the hologram, use this perfectly flat "lens hologram" as a

real lens in the sunlight. And it will successfully physically replace a real lens that, although structurally and physically it does not look like one. This is another fundamental property of

holography:  Holography is a direct replacement or substitute for reality.

In biological experiments, this phenomenon also finds practical confirmation. Namely, in the phenomena detected during transfer of the information content of the simplest bio-substrate – ‘glucose’s Modulated Broadband Electromagnetic Radiation spectrum’ (in the mp3 audio

format) to samples of purified water. The result was a phantom glucose equivalent manifested in water, which provided a quality color reaction to glucose on special test strips (Figure 5).

This situation is analogous to Modulated Broadband Electromagnetic Radiation materialization of DNA fragment (DNA phantom) in a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).4. Fig. 6. Identification (materialization) of the phantom DNA fragment with known nucleotide sequence by PCR method.  DNA phantom obtained by the This situation is analogous to Modulated Broadband Electromagnetic Radiation materialization of DNA fragment (DNA phantom) in a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).4. Fig. 6. Identification (materialization) of the phantom DNA fragment with known

nucleotide sequence by PCR method.  DNA phantom obtained by the author’s method [32, Patent No. 2014/06578. 8].  The nucleotide sequences of obtained materialized copy of DNA phantom are 98% identical to the original physical

donor DNA (this data is under preparation for publication).

From left to right the 1st, 4th and 6th tracks - DNA, synthesized in pure water. 11th track – initial DNA sample (268 base pairs) from which Modulated Broadband

Electromagnetic Radiation spectrum was obtained. The 12th track - marker bands 139, 268, 394 and 613 DNA base pairs, the lower band of this track - primer smears. The 9th

track - control without Modulated Broadband Electromagnetic Radiation of DNA.

This phenomenon, discovered by Peter Gariaev group [32] has been independently proven by Noble Prize Laureate Luc Montagnier, who also created DNA phantoms, but by a slightly different method, and they also materialized it with the PCR system [33].  In these experiments, some not yet fully understood properties of DNA and glucose phantoms

"tricked" the chemical reagent for sugar on test strips and DNA polymerase in the PCR system, which took both glucose and DNA phantoms for real molecules. It is necessary to emphasize certain difficulties with registering of given phantom effects and their materialization, associated with time unpredictability of phantom-formation moments and the moments of their materialization. This is probably related to the unpredictable dynamics of TIW holograms for

biological objects. method [32, Patent No. 2014/06578. 8]. The nucleotide sequences of obtained materialized copy of DNA phantom are 98% identical to the original physical donor DNA (this data is under preparation for publication).

[COMMENT:  The extensive research of Dr. Luc Montagnier, and his work with DNA and water memory, our subjects related to the simulation hypothesis. Dr. Montagnier’s ground breaking  work will be the subject of another future Review in this series of post articles. For now, readers are encouraged to watch Dr. Montagnier’s documentary “Water Memory”.]. In 2011 I authored a short eBook entitled “Health Crisis: Solved - The DNA and Structured Water Interfaces” which discusses the work of Dr. Montagnier in this field, as well as Gariaev, Rustrom Roy. Gerald Pollack and others.

CONCLUSION:  Much of what has been labeled as science fiction 20 to 40 years ago, is simply recognized as science today.  in the introduction to this article post, I indicated I would provide some further reading, suggestions, and videos on the topic discussed above. Although many would still characterize the following as science fiction, I do believe readers who have gotten to this point in the article, may have an open mind, as to whether it’s fiction or simply science that has not yet been accepted as documented. So I will begin with one of my favorite writers speaking in 1977 in France at a conference. Some of you will recognize him as Philip K Dick. This video is lengthy, and he had written many of his novels before that.  Many of his 44 novels and 121 short stories, that have been turned into feature films are listed. That is Wikipedia site:

In addition to the video, I would recommend a book by Bryan J Robb, entitled: “Counterfeit Worlds, The Cinematic Universes of Philip K Dick”.

A second favorite writer is Daniel F. Galouye wrote two books in the 1950s. The first is: “Simulacron-3” and the second is: “Dark Universe”.  Having read both dealing with the subject of simulated reality, it’s hard for me to imagine the author; being a retired Navy officer, had this type of knowledge in the late 40s.  Wikipedia reports “Simulacron-3” has served as an inspiration for a number of feature films including “The Thirteenth Floor” and even “The Matrix”.

Finally, “The Feed” written by Nick Clark Windo in 2018 is an excellent read on simulated reality concepts; particulary with regard to what all of us now observe taking place throughout the world.  At the end of that year, just the first chapter (15 pages) was adapted to a TV series (10 episodes, 1 hour each).  The entire series can be watched on Amazon Prime and perhaps on other platforms.  The story line merits binge watching; and on a scale of 1-10, the production values and CGI are a 15.  The relevance to 2024 is off the charts. 

Thank you for persevering through this article post.  Your comments are encouraged. 🌀

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